Monday, September 19, 2016

Prachanda cancelled his visit to America

newly-elected Prime Minister of Nepal, Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’, at his official residence in Baluwatar on Monday morning. On the occasion, the diplomat congratulated Dahal on his election as Nepal’s prime minister and wished him a successful tenure.
She also expressed concern about Nepal’s peace process, the new Constitution and the contemporary politics. Prachanda, on his part, thanked the ambassador, the American administration and the people for their ‘positive assistance’, PM’s Secretariat informed.

Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies

Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and offered by mutual fund companies. Choices were limited to term, endowment or whole life policies. It was simple, you paid a high, set premium and the insurance company guaranteed the death benefit. All of that changed in the 1980s. Interest rates soared, and policy owners surrendered their coverage to invest the cash value in higher interest paying non-insurance products. To compete, insurers began offering interest-sensitive non-guaranteed policies.

Guaranteed versus Non-Guaranteed Policies

Today, companies offer a broad range of guaranteed and non-guaranteed life insurance policies. A guaranteed policy is one in which the insurer assumes all the risk and contractually guarantees the death benefit in exchange for a set premium payment. If investments underperform or expenses go up, the insurer has to absorb the loss. With a non-guaranteed policy the owner, in exchange for a lower premium and possibly better return, is assuming much of the investment risk as well as giving the insurer the right to increase policy fees. If things don’t work out as planned, the policy owner has to absorb the cost and pay a higher premium.

рдоुрдЦрдоा рд░ рдЬिрдм्рд░ोрдоा рдЦрдЯिрд░ा рдЖрдпो ? рдпो рдкрдв्рдиुрд╣ोрд╕्…

рдоुрдЦрдоा рд╕ाрдиा рдмिрдмिрд░ा, рдорд╕िрдиा рд╕ेрддा рдЦाрд▓рдХा рдлोрдХाрдлोрдХी рджेрдЦिрдПрдоा рддрдкाँрдЗрд▓ाрдИ рдиिрдХै рд╕рддाрдЙँрдЫ рд╣ोрд▓ा । рдоुрдЦрднिрдд्рд░, рдЬिрдм्рд░ो, рдЧिрдЬा, рдУрдард▓рдЧाрдпрдд рдоुрдЦрдХो рдХुрдиाрдХाрдиी рд░ рдХрд╣िрд▓ेрдХाрд╣ीँ рдЧाрд▓ाрдХो рдЫेрдЙрд╕рдо्рдо рдкрдиि рдШाрдЙ рд╣ुрди्рдЫ ।  рдпрд╕्рддो рдШाрдЙ рд╕–рд╕ाрдиो рдПрдХ рд╡ा рдзेрд░ै рдоाрдд्рд░ाрдоा рдЖрдЙрди рд╕рдХ्рдЫ । рдд्рдпрд╕्рддै рдпोे рд╕рдорд╕्рдпा рдмрдвेрд░ рдЬрдЯिрд▓ рднрдИ рдШाрдК рдаूрд▓ो рд░ рдЧрд╣िрд░ो рднрдПрд░ рдЦाрди рдмोрд▓्рдиै рдирд╣ुрдиे рдХिрд╕िрдордХो рдкрдиि рд╣ुрди рд╕рдХ्рдЫ । рдпрд╕рд▓े рдЧрд░्рджा рд▓рдЧाрддाрд░ рджुрдЦ्рдиे, рдкोрд▓्рдиे,рдЬ्рд╡рд░ो рдЖрдЙрдиे, рдШाँрдЯीрдХो рдЧ्рд░рди्рдеि рд╕ुрди्рдиिрдиे, рджुрдЦ्рдиे рд╕рдорд╕्рдпा рдкрдиि рдиिрдо्рддिрди рд╕рдХ्рдЫ ।

рдХिрди рдЖрдЙँрдЫ рдоुрдЦрдоा рдШाрдЙ–рдЦрдЯिрд░ा ?

рдЦाрд╕рдЧрд░ी рд╢рд░ीрд░рдоा рдкोрд╖рдгрдХो рдХрдоी (рднिрдЯाрдоिрди рдмी, рд╕ी, рдЖрдЗрд░рди, рдк्рд░ोрдЯिрдирд▓рдЧाрдпрдд рднोрдЬрдирдоा рд░ेрд╕ाрджाрд░ рдЦाрдиाрдХो рдХрдоी рдЖрджि) рд▓े рдоुрдЦрдоा рдШाрдЙ рд╣ुрди्рдЫ । рдпрд╕рд░ी рдиै рджाँрдд рдирдоाрдЭ्рдиे, рдЦाрдиा рдЦाрдПрд░ рдХुрд▓्рд▓ा рдирдЧрд░्рдиे рдЬрд╕्рддा рд╕рд░рд╕рдлाрдЗрдХो рдХрдоी, рдкेрдЯрд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзी рд░ोрдЧрд╣рд░ू (рдХрдм्рдЬिрдпрдд, рдЧ्рдпाрд╕्рдЯ्рд░ाрдЗрдЯिрд╕ рд╡ा рдЕрдо्рд▓рдкिрдд्рдд, рдЕрдкрдЪ рдЖрджि), рдкाрдиीрдХो рдХрдоी рднрдПрдоा рдкрдиि рдоुрдЦрднिрдд्рд░ рдЦрдЯिрд░ा рдЖрдЙрдиे рдЧрд░्рдЫ । рдд्рдпрд╕्рддै, рдЦाрдж्рдп рд╡िрд╖ाрдХ्рддрддा, рд╕ुрд░्рддी–рдкाрдирдорд╕рд▓ा, рдордж्рдпрдкाрди рд░ рдзूрдордкाрди рдЧрд░्рдиे, рдм्рдпाрдХ्рдЯेрд░िрдпा рддрдеा рдлрдЩ्рдЧрд╕рдХो рд╕ंрдХ्рд░рдордг, рдмрдвी рддाрддो рд░ рдорд╕рд▓ाрд╣рд░ू рд╡ा рдмрдвी рдЕрдо्рд▓ рднрдПрдХो рдЦाрдирдкाрди рдЧрд░्рджा рдоुрдЦрднिрдд्рд░ рд░ рд╡рд░рдкрд░ рдШाрдЙ рдЖрдЙрдиे рдЧрд░्рдЫ ।

рдХрд╕рд░ी рд╕рдоाрдзाрди рдЧрд░्рдиे ?

— рдордирддाрддो рдкाрдиीрдоा рдлिрдЯрдХिрд░ी рдоिрд╕ाрдПрд░ рджिрдирдоा рей рдкрдЯрдХ рдХुрд▓्рд▓ा рдЧрд░्рдиे ।

— рдкाрдиी рдк्рд░рд╢рд╕्рдд рдкिрдЙрдиे рддрд░ рдмрдвी рдЪिрд╕ो рд╡ा рддाрддो рдирдкिрдЙрдиे

— рд╣рд░िрдпो рд╕ाрдЧрдкाрдд рддрдеा рдлрд▓рдлूрд▓рд╣рд░ु рдордЬाрд▓े рдЪрдкाрдПрд░ рдЦाрдиे

— рдмрдвी рдЪिрд▓्рд▓ो рдирдЦाрдиे

— рд╣рд▓्рдХा рдЙрдо्рд░ेрдХो рдЧेрдбाрдЧुрдбी рдмिрд╣ाрди / рдмिрд╣ाрди рдЦाрдиे

— рдкाрдиीрдоा рддुрд▓рд╕ीрдХो рдкाрддрдХो рд░рд╕ рд░ाрдЦेрд░ рдХुрд▓्рд▓ा рдЧрд░्рдиे

— рдмрджाрдо рднिрдЬाрдПрд░ рдЦाрдиे

— рдорд╣ рдШाрдЙрдоा рд▓рдкрдХ्рдХ рд▓рдЧाрдЙрдиे

— рдиिрдордХो рдкाрдд рдЪрдкाрдЙрдиे рд╡ा рдиिрдо рдоिрд▓ाрдЗрдПрдХो рдорди्рдЬрдирд▓े рджाँрдд рдоाрдЭ्рдиे

— рдЬिрд░ा рд╡ा рдЦрдпрд░ рдЪрдкाрдЙрдиे рдпрд╕рд░ी рдкрдиि рдиिрдХो рдирднрдП рдбाрдХ्рдЯрд░рд▓ाрдИ рджेрдЦाрдЙрдиे ।

— рдмाрд░рдо्рдмाрд░ рд╕рдорд╕्рдпा рднैрд░рд╣ेрдоा рд╡ा рдмिрднिрди्рди рд░ोрдЧрдХो рдХाрд░рдг рдкрдиि рдоुрдЦрдоा рдШाрдЙ рдЖрдЙрди рд╕рдХ्рдиे рднрдПрдХोрд▓े рдЪिрдХिрдд्рд╕рдХ рд╕рдордХ्рд╖ рдЬाँрдЪ рдЧрд░ाрдЙрдиुрдкрд░्рдЫ । рддрд░ рдоुрдЦрдоा рдЖрдПрдХो рдШाрдЙ рдХрд╕्рддो рдЫ, рдХिрди рдЖрдПрдХो рд╣ो рднрди्рдиे рдХुрд░ा рд░ोрдЧрдХो рдЗрддिрд╣ाрд╕, рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддिрдЧрдд рдмाрдиी рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╣ाрд░, рд▓рдХ्рд╖рдгрдХा рдЖрдзाрд░рдоा рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖рдЬ्рдЮрд╕ँрдЧ рдЬाँрдЪ рдЧрд░ाрдПрд░ рдеाрд╣ा рдкाрдЙрди рд╕рдХिрди्рдЫ । рдХрддिрдкрдп рдЕрд╡рд╕्рдеाрдоा рдШाрдЙрдХो рдоाрд╕ु рд╡ा рдкीрдк рд▓рдЧाрдпрдд рд░рдЧрддрдХो рдЕрди्рдп рдкрд░ीрдХ्рд╖рдгрд╣рд░ू рдкрдиि рдЧрд░्рдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рд╣ुрди्рдЫ । рдЦाрд╕рдЧрд░ी рдпौрдирд░ोрдЧ, рдоुрдЦрдХो рдХ्рдпाрди्рд╕рд░ рд╡ा рдХुрдиै рд╕ंрдХ्рд░рдордгрдХो рдХाрд░рдгрд▓े рднрдПрдХा рдШाрдЙрд╣рд░ू рдЬрдЯिрд▓ рд╣ुрди рд╕рдХ्рдЫрди् рд░ рдФрд╖рдзोрдкрдЪाрд░ рдкрдиि рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХ рд╣ुрди рд╕рдХ्рдЫ । рдпрд╕рд░ी рдиै рдХाрд░рдг рдЕрдиुрд░ूрдкрдХो рдЙрдкрдЪाрд░рдХा рд▓ाрдЧि рдЪिрдХिрдд्рд╕рдХрдХो рд╕рд▓्рд▓ाрд╣ рд▓िрдиुрдкрд░्рдЫ ।


Transporters agree to begin advance booking of tickets for Dashain from Sept 23

booking for long-route buses for Dashain, beginning on Friday (September 23). The date to open advance bus ticket booking was finalised after a meeting of stakeholders took a decision to this effect today. “Long-route commuters can book their tickets from ticket stations at bus parks and other ticket outlets across Kathmandu Valley,” said Dolnath Khanal, president of the Federation of Nepalese National Transport Entrepreneurs Association. New Bus Park, Kalanki, Koteshwor and Gaushala are the core areas where commuters can book bus tickets, according to FNNTEA.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

рдХрд╕्рддा рдЦाрд▓рдХा рдпुрд╡рддीрд╣рд░ु рдЫिрдЯ्рдЯै рдпौрди рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдз рд░ाрдЦ्рди рддрдпाрд░ рд╣ुрди्рдЫрди् ? рдпрд╕्рддो рдЫ рдпрд░्рдеाрде

рдк्рд░ाрдпः рдпुрд╡рддीрд╣рд░ुрдоा рдпौрди рдЪाрд╣рдиा рднрдПрдкрдиि рдкुрд░ुрд╖рд╣рд░ु рдЬрд╕рд░ी рдЙрдиीрд╣рд░ु рдпौрдирд╕рдо्рдкрд░्рдХрдХा рд▓ाрдЧि рдЪाрдбै рддрдпाрд░ рд╣ुрджैрдирди् । рддрд░ рдиेрдЯ рдЪैрдЯिंрдЧ рдкрдЫि рднेрдЯ्рдиे рд╣рд░ु рднрд░рд╕рдХ рдд्рдпрд╕ै рджिрдирдоा рд╕ेрдХ्рд╕ рдЧрд░्рдЫрди । рдпो рдЕрдиुрдкाрдд рджैрдиिрдХ рднेрдЯ्рдиे рд╣рд░ुрдоा рдзेрд░ै рд╕рдордп рд▓ाрдЧ्рдиे рдЧрд░्рдЫ рд░ рд╕ेрдХ्рд╕ рдХो рд▓ाрдЧि рдд рдмрд░्рд╖ौ рдХुрд░्рдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рд╣ुрди्рдЫ । рд╣ाрд▓ рд╕ाрд▓ै рдПрдЙрдЯा рдлिрдЯрдиेрд╕ рдкрдд्рд░िрдХा рдж्рд╡ाрд░ा рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рд╕рд░्рд╡े рдоा рд╡िрднिрди्рди рд╕ोрд╢рд▓ рдиेрдЯрд╡рд░्рдХिंрдЧ рд╕ाрдЗрдЯ्рд╕ рдмाрдЯ рдЪिрдирдЬाрди рд╣ुрдиे рдкाँрдЪ рдорд╣िрд▓ाрд╣рд░ुрдоा рдЪाрд░ рдорд╣िрд▓ाрд╣рд░ुрд▓े рд░ рдкाँрдЪ рдкुрд░ुрд╖ рд╣рд░ुрдоा рддीрди рдЬрдиाрд▓े рдЕрдирд▓ाрдЗрди рдкाрд░्рдЯрдирд░ рд╣рд░ु рд╕ंрдЧ рдиिрдХै рдеोрд░ै рд╕рдордпрдоा рд╕ेрдХ्рд╕ рднрдПрдХो рд░िрдкोрд░्рдЯ рдиिрдХाрд▓ेрдХो рдеिрдпो ।

рдмिрдЬ्рдЮрд╣рд░ुрдХा рдЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рдпो рд╕рд░्рд╡ेрд▓े рдпी рдмिрдЬ्рдЮ рд╣рд░ुрд▓ाрдИ рд╣ैрд░ाрдиीрдХो рд╕рдЯ्рдЯा рдЙрдиीрд╣рд░ुрдХो рдЕрдиुрдоाрдирд▓ाрдИ рд╕рд╣ि рдмрдиाрдПрдХो рдЫ । рдмिрдЬ्рдЮ рднрди्рдЫрди рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ु рдЬрдм рднрд░्рдЪुрдЕрд▓ рд░िрд▓ेрд╢рдирд╢िрдкрдоा рд╣ुрди्рдЫрди рдЙрдиीрд╣рд░ुрдХो рдмीрдЪрдХो рджुрд░ी рдЕрд╕рдз्рдп рдХрдо рд╣ुрдиे рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЫ рд░ рдпो рджुрд░ी рдХрдо рд╣ुрди рдЕрддि рдиै рдЫोрдЯो рд╕рдордп рд▓ाрдЧ्рдиे рдЧрд░्рдЫ । рдЦाрд╕рдЧрд░ी рджैрдиिрдХ рднेрдЯрдШाрдЯ рд╣ुрдиे рдЬोрдбीрдоा рдХрддै рди рдХрддै рдЕрд▓ि рд▓ाрдЬ рд░рд╣ेрдХोрд▓े рд╕ेрдХ्рд╕рдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдмाрдд рдорд░्рди рдиिрдХै рд╕рдордп рд▓ाрдЧ्рдиे рдЧрд░्рдЫ ।

рдпрдж्рдпрдкी рдпो рд╕рдорд╕्рдпा рдЕрдирд▓ाрдЗрди рдЬोрдбीрдоा рд╣ुрджैрди рд░ рдиिрд░्рдзрдХ्рдХ рд╕ंрдЧ рд╕ेрдХ्рд╕рдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рджिрд▓ рдЦोрд▓ेрд░ рдХुрд░ा рдЧрд░्рдЫрди рд░ рдЖрдл्рдиो рдЫेрдЙ рдЫाрдЙрдоाрдоा рдкрдиि рдХोрд╣ि рдЕрд░ु рдирд░ेрд╣ेрдХो рдЕрд╡рд╕्рдеा рд╣ुрди्рдЫ рд░ рдЖрдлु рд╕ुрд░рдХ्рд╖िрдд рдорд╣рд╕ुрд╕ рдЧрд░्рдЫрди рд░ рдзेрд░ै рдЫोрдЯो рд╕рдордпрдоा рдиै рдпी рднрд░्рдЪुрдЕрд▓ рдЬोрдбीрдоा рд╕ेрдХ्рд╕рдХो рд╕ंрдмाрдж рдвुрдХ्рдХ рд╕ंрдЧ рд╣ुрдиे рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЫ рд░ рджुрд╡ै рд▓ै рд▓ाрдЧेрдХो рдпौрди рдЬिрдЬ्рдЮाрд╕ा рдоेрдЯाрдЙрдиे рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдЫрди् ।

рд╡िрднिрди्рди рд╕ाрдоाрдЬिрдХ рд╕ंрдЬाрд▓рдХा рд╡ेрдмрд╕ाрдЗрдЯрд╣рд░ुрд▓े рдиै рд╕рдмैрд▓ाрдИ рдирдЬिрдХ рд▓िрдПрд░ рдЖрдЙрди рдЬрддि рд╕рдЬिрд▓ो рдмрдиाрдПрдХो рдЫ рдд्рдпрддिрдиै рдпрд╕् рдмाрдЯ рдпौрди рдЕрдкрд░ाрдзрдХा рдШрдЯрдиा рд╣рд░ु рдкрдиि рдЕрдЧाрдбी рдЖрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХो рдЫрди् рдпрд╕рд░्рде рд╕рдмै рднрд░्рдЪुрдЕрд▓ рдЬोрдбी рд╣рд░ुрд▓ाрдИ рд╕ाрд╡рдзाрдиीрдкुрд░्рд╡рдХ рдирдЬिрдХ рд╣ुрди рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХ рдЫ рдЕрди्рдпрдеा рдЖрдлु рдиै рдпौрди рдкिрдбिрдд рд╣ुрди рд╕рдХिрдиे рд╕рдо्рднाрд╡рдиा рд░рд╣рди्рдЫ ।


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The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

‘рдЕрд▓рдЫिрдиा’ рднрдиेрд░ рдЖрдоाрдмुрдмाрд▓े рдЫाрдбेрдХा рдпी рдмाрд▓рдХ, рдЬрд╕рдХो рдЬीрд╡рдирдХрдеाрд▓े рд╕ंрд╕ाрд░рд▓ाрдИ рд╕्рддрдм्рдз рдкाрд░िрджिрдпो !

рдЬेрди्рд╕ी– рдпी рдмाрд▓рдХрдХो рд▓ाрдЧि рдПрдХ рдеोрдкा рдкाрдиी рд░ рдХрд░्рдордоाрд░्рдлрдд рдпी рдордорддाрдордпी рдорд╣िрд▓ाрд▓े рджेрдЦाрдПрдХो рдорд╣ाрдирддाрдХो рддрд╕्рд╡ीрд░ рдХेрд╣ी рд╕рдордпрджेрдЦि рд╕ाрдоाрдЬिрдХ рд╕рдЮ्рдЬाрд▓рдоा рднाрдЗрд░рд▓ рдмрди्рджै рдЖрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХो рдЫ ।
рджрдпाрд▓ाрдЧ्рджो рд░ рддिрд░्рдЦाрдПрдХो рд╕्рдеिрддिрдоा рд╕ंрд╕ाрд░рд▓ाрдИ рд░ुрд╡ाрдЙрдиे рдпी рдмाрд▓рдХ рдЕрдл्рд░िрдХी рдоुрд▓ुрдХ рдиाрдЗрдЬेрд░िрдпाрдХा рд╣ुрди् । рдЧрд░िрдмी рд░ рдж्рдзрди्рдж्рдзрдоा рдкिрд▓्рд╕िрдПрдХो рдоुрд▓ुрдХ рдиाрдЗрдЬेрд░िрдпाрдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХा рдпी рдмाрд▓рдХрдХा рдЖрдоाрдмाрдмुрд▓े рдЧрд░िрдмीрдХै рдХाрд░рдг рд╣ुрдирд╕рдХ्рдЫ, рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рд╣ेрд▓ा рдЧрд░ेрд░ рд╕рдбрдХрдоा рдЫाрдбिрджिрдП ।

рдмाрд▓рдХрдХा рдмाрдмुрдЖрдоाрд▓े рдЙрд╕рд▓ाрдИ рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░рдХो ‘рдЕрд▓рдЫिрдиा рд░ рднुрддाрд╣ा’ рднрдиेрд░ рдЙрд╕рд▓ाрдИ рд╣ेрд░рдмिрдЪाрд░ рдЧрд░्рди рдЫाрдбिрджिрдПрдкрдЫि рдЙрдирдХो рд╕рдбрдХрдоा рдпो рд╣рдмिрдЧрдд рднрдпो । рдХрд╣िрд▓ेрдХाрд╣ी рд╕рдбрдХрдоा рдлाрд▓ेрдХा рдЕрд╕्рд╡рд╕्рдердХрд░ рдЦाрдиेрдХुрд░ाрд▓े рдкेрдЯ рднрд░्рджै рд╕рдбрдХ рдкेрдЯीрдоा рдХुрдХुрд░ рд╕рд░рд╣рдХो рдЬीрд╡рди рдЬिрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХा рдпिрдирд▓ाрдИ рди рдд рд╕рд░्рд╡рд╡्рдпाрдкी рдЬ्рдЮाрди рдеिрдпो, рди рдд рдЬीрд╡рди рдХрд╕рд░ी рдЬिрдЙрдиे рднрди्рдиे рдкрд░िрдХрд▓्рдкрдиा рдиै рдеिрдпो ।
рд╕ौрднाрдЧ्рдпрд╡рд╕, рдпी рдмाрд▓рдХрдХो рдЕрдЧाрдбि рдПрдХрдЬрдиा рд╡िрджेрд╢ी рдорд╣िрд▓ा рджेрд╡ी рдмрдиेрд░ рджेрдЦा рдкрд░िрди् । рдЙрдирд▓े рдкрд╣िрд▓ोрдкрдЯрдХ рд╕рдбрдХрдоा рдмाрд▓рдХрд▓ाрдИ рднेрдЯ्рдиे рд╡िрддिрдХ्рдХै рдкाрдиी рдкिрд▓ाрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХो рджृрд╖्рдп рд╣ाрдоी рддрд╕्рд╡ीрд░рдоा рджेрдЦ्рди рд╕рдХ्рдЫौ । рдЙрдирд▓े рддी рдмाрд▓рдХрд▓ाрдИ рд╕рдбрдХрдмाрдЯ рдЯिрдкिрди् рд░ рдЖрдлुрд▓े рд╣ेрд░рдЪाрд╣ рдЧрд░्рди рдеाрд▓िрди् । рд╕рдбрдХрдоा рдмрдбो рджрдпрдиीрдп рдЕрд╡рд╕्рдеाрдоा рднेрдЯेрд░ рдХрд░िрдм рджुрдИ рдорд╣िрдиा рдкाрд▓рдирдкोрд╖рди рдЧрд░ेрдкрдЫि рдмाрд▓рдХрдХो рд╢ाрд░ीрд░िрдХ рд╕ंрд░рдЪрдиाрдоा рдкूрд░ै рдкрд░िрд╡рд░्рддрди рдЖрдПрдХो рдЫ ।
рджुрдИ рдорд╣िрдиाрдЕрдШिрдХो рддрд╕्рд╡ीрд░ рд░ рдкрдЫिрдХो рддрд╕्рд╡ीрд░рд▓ाрдИ рдкрдд्рдпाрдЙрди рдЧाрд╣्рд░ो рдкрд░्рдЫ рддрд░ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ рдк्рд░рд╕िрдж्рдз рд╕рдЮ्рдЪाрд░рдоाрдз्рдпाрдо рдбेрд▓्рд▓ी рдоेрд▓рд▓े рдпो рддрде्рдпрд▓ाрдИ рдмाрд╣िрд░ рд▓्рдпाрдЗрджिрдПрдХो рдЫ ।рд╕рдбрдХ рдкेрдЯीрдоा рд░ोрдПрд░ рдмрд╕ेрдХा рдпрд╕्рддा рдмाрд▓рдХрд╣рд░ु рдзेрд░ै рдЫрди्, рддрд░ рддिрдирдХो рдЙрдж्рдзाрд░рдоा рдЪाрд╕ो рджिрдиे рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддि рд░ рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзिрдд рд╕ंрдШ–рд╕ंрд╕्рдеाрд╣рд░ुрд▓े рдк्рд░рднाрд╡рдХाрд░ी рдвंрдЧрд▓े рдХाрдо рдирдЧрд░्рджा рдоाрдирд╡рдЬाрддिрдХो рдЙрдЬ्рдЬрд▓ рднрд╡िрд╢्рдпрдХो рд░ुрдкрдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХा рдмाрд▓рдмाрд▓िрдХाрд╣рд░ुрдХो рдпो рд╣рд╡िрдЧрдд рджेрдЦ्рдиुрдкрд░िрд░рд╣ेрдХो рдЫ ।
рдЕрд╕ाрд╣рдп рджुःрдЦ рднोрдЧेрд░ рдЬीрд╡рди рдмिрддाрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХा рддी рдмाрд▓рдХрдХा рдЕрдЧाрдбि рджेрд╡рджूрддрдХो рд░ुрдкрдоा рджेрдЦा рдкрд░ेрдХी рддी рдорд╣िрд▓ाрдХो рдмाрд░ेрдоा рд╕्рдкрд╖्рдЯ рдкрд╣िрдЪाрди рдмाрд╣िрд░ рдЖрдЗрдирд╕рдХे рдкрдиि рдпो рдХाрд░ुрдгिрдХ рдпрдеाрд░्рдерддाрдХो рддрд╕्рд╡ीрд░ рд░ рдХрд░्рдорд▓े рд╕ंрд╕ाрд░рдХा рдоिрдбिрдпाрд╣рд░ुрдХो рдз्рдпाрди рддाрдиिрд░рд╣ेрдХो рдЫ । рд╢्рд░ोрдд – рдХाрдардоाрдг्рдбु рдЯुрдбेрдмाрдЯ


рдЕрд░्рдХाрдХो рдкрдд्рдиी рд╕ेрдХ्рд╕ рдЧрд░्рдиेрд▓ाрдИ рдЕрдм…

рдХ्рддिрдХो рдкрд░рд╕्рдд्рд░ीрдЧрдорди рдХрд╕्рддो рд╣ुрди्рдЫ рд╣ोрд▓ा ? рдпрд╕्рддो рдЕрд╡рд╕्рдеाрдоा рдзрд░्рдорд▓े рдХрд╕्рддो рджрдг्рдб рджिрди्рдЫ ? рдЖрдЙрдиुрд╕् рдпрд╕ рд╡िрд╖рдпрдоा рдЪрд░्рдЪा рдЧрд░ौँ । рдЕрда्рдаाрд░ рдкुрд░ाрдгрдХो рдПрдЙрдЯा рдкुрд░ाрдг рдЫ, рдЧрд░ुрдб рдкुрд░ाрдг । рдЧрд░ुрдб рдкुрд░ाрдгрдоा рднрдЧрд╡ाрди рд╡िрд╖्рдгुрд▓े рдЧрд░ुрдбрд▓ाрдИ рдЬीрд╡рди рд░ рдоृрдд्рдпुрдХो рд░рд╣рд╕्рдпрдХा рд╡िрд╖рдпрдоा рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рджिрдПрдХा рдЫрди् । рдпो рдкुрд░ाрдгрдоा рдоृрдд्рдпुрдкрдЫि рд╣ुрдиे рднрдиिрдПрдХो рдпाрдд्рд░ा рдпाрдиी рдпрдордоाрд░्рдЧрдХा рдмाрд░ेрдоा рд╡рд░्рдгрди рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдЫ । рд╡рд░्рдгрдирдоा рднрдиिрдПрдХो рдЫ, рдпрдордХो рджूрддрд▓े рдоृрдд्рдпुрдкрдЫि рдкाрдкी рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддिрд╣рд░ूрдХो рдЖрдд्рдоाрд▓ाрдИ рдпрдорд░ाрдЬ рд╕рдордХ्рд╖ рд▓ैрдЬाрди्рдЫрди् । рдордиुрд╖्рдпрдХो рдЖрдл्рдиो рдХрд░्рдордЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рдпрдорд░ाрдЬрд▓े рд╕рдЬाрдп рддोрдХी рджिрди्рдЫрди् । рд╕рдЬाрдп рдкूрд░ा рднрдПрдкрдЫि рдЬीрд╡рд▓े рдЖрдл्рдиो рдХрд░्рдордЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рдпोрдиीрдоा рдЬрди्рдо рд▓िрди्рдЫ ।
рдпрд╕рдоा рдкрд░рд╕्рдд्рд░ीрд╕ँрдЧрдХो рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзрдХा рд╡िрд╖рдпрдоा рдЕрд▓рдЧ–рдЕрд▓рдЧ рд╕рдЬाрдпрдХा рдмाрд░ेрдоा рдмрддाрдЗрдПрдХो рдЫ । рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддिрд▓े рдкрд░рд╕्рдд्рд░ीрд╕ँрдЧ рдХрд╕्рддो рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдз рд░ाрдЦ्рдЫ рд╡ा рд░рд╣рди्рдЫ рдпрд╕рдоा рдкрдиि рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддिрд▓ाрдИ рд╕рдЬाрдпрдХो рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╕्рдеा рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдЫ । рдХुрдоाрд░ी рдЕрдерд╡ा рдЕрд▓्рдкाрдпु рдХрди्рдпाрд╕ँрдЧ рдпौрдирд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдз рд░ाрдЦेрдоा рдЧुрд░ुрдв рдкुрд░ाрдгрдХा рдЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рдХрдбा рд╕рдЬाрдпрдХो рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╕्рдеा рд░рд╣ेрдХो рдЫ । рдЬुрди рд╕्рдд्рд░ी рдЖрдл्рдиो рдкрддिрд▓ाрдИ рдЫाрдбेрд░ рдЕрд░्рдХो рдкुрд░ूрд╖рд╕ँрдЧ рдпौрди рд╕рдо्рдкрд░्рдХ рдЧрд░्рдЫिрди् рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рдпрдорд▓ोрдХрдоा рдмрд▓्рджै рдЧрд░ेрдХो рд░ाрддो рд░ рддाрддो рдлрд▓ाрдордХो рднрдЯ्рдЯीрдоा рд╣ाрд▓्рдиे рдЧрд░िрди्рдЫ ।

рдЧрд░ुрдбा рдкुрд░ाрдгрдХा рдЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рдкाрдкрдХो рд╕рдЬाрдп рдкूрд░ा рднрдПрдкрдЫि рдпрд╕्рддा рд╕्рдд्рд░ीрд╣рд░ूрд▓े рдЪेрдкाрд░ो, рдЫिрдкрдХрд▓ी рдЕрдерд╡ा рджुрдИ рдоुрдЦ рднрдПрдХो рд╕рд░्рдкрдХो рд░ुрдкрдоा рдЬрди्рдо рд▓рдиे рдоाрди्рдпрддा рд░рд╣ेрдХो рдЫ । рдкुрд░ुрд╖рдХा рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзрдоा рдкрд░рд╕्рдд्рд░ी рдЧрдордирдХा рд╡िрд╖рдпрдоा рд░ोрдЪрдХ рдк्рд░рд╕рдЩ्рдЧ рдЧुрд░ुрдб рдкुрд░ाрдгрд▓े рдЙрд▓्рд▓ेрдЦ рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЫ । рдЬो рдкुрд░ूрд╖рд▓े рдЖрдлрдиै рдЧोрдд्рд░рдХी рд╕्рдд्рд░ीрд╕ँрдЧ рдпौрди рд╕рдо्рдкрд░्рдХ рдЧрд░्рдЫрди्, рдд्рдпрд╕्рддा рдкुрд░ुрд╖рд▓े рд╕्рдпाрд▓рдХो рдЬрди्рдо рдкाрдЙрдиे рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд╕ рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдЫ । рдХुрдоाрд░ी рдЕрдеाрд╡ा рдЕрд▓्рдкाрдпु рдХрди्рдпाрд╕ँрдЧ рдпौрдирд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдз рд░ाрдЦ्рдиे рдкुрд░ुрд╖рдХा рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзрдоा рдЧрд░ुрдбा рдкुрд░ाрдгрд▓े рдирд░्рдХрдоा рдШोрд░ рдпाрддрдиा рд╕рд╣рдиु рдкрд░्рдиे рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╕्рдеा рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЙрд▓्рд▓ेрдЦ рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЫ । рдд्рдпрд╕рдкрдЫि рдд्рдпрд╕्рддा рдкुрд░ुрд╖рд▓े рдЕрдЬिрдЩ्рдЧрд░рдХो рдпोрдиीрдоा рдЬрди्рдо рд▓िрдиे рдмрддाрдЗрди्рдЫ ।

рдЬो рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддि рдХाрдо рднाрд╡рдиाрдмाрдЯ рдкीрдбिрдд рднрдПрд░ рдЧुрд░ूрдХी рдкрдд्рдиीрд▓ाрдИ рддाрдХ्рдЫрди् рдд्рдпрд╕्рддा рдкुрд░ुрд╖рд▓े рдирд░्рдХрдХो рдмाрд╕ рд░ рдпाрддрдиाрд╕рд╣िрдд рдЫिрдк्рдХрд▓ीрдХो рдпोрдиीрдоा рдЬрди्рдо рд▓िрдиे рдЧрд░ुрдб рдкुрд░ाрдгрд▓े рдЬрдиाрдПрдХो рдЫ । рдоिрдд्рд░рд╕ँрдЧ рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд╕рдШाрдд рдЧрд░ेрд░ рдЙрд╕рдХी рдкрдд्рдиीрд╕ँрдЧ рдпौрдирд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдз рд░ाрдЦ्рдиेрд▓ाрдИ рдХрдаोрд░ рд╕рдЬाрдпрдкрдЫि рдпрдорд░ाрдЬрд▓े рдЧрдзाрдХो рдпोрдиीрдоा рдмाрд╕ рдЧрд░ाрдЗ рдЧрдзाрдХो рдЬрди्рдо рджिрдиे рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд╕рд╕рд╣िрддрдХा рд░ोрдЪрдХ рдк्рд░рд╕рдЩ्рдЧ рдЧुрд░ुрдб рдкुрд░ाрдгрдоा рдЙрд▓्рд▓ेрдЦ рдЫ । рди्рдпूрдЬрдЕрднिрдпाрди


UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
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The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

School of New South Wales Australia

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

School of New South Wales Australia

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

New Nepali Dashain Song 2073/2016 By Jyoty Magar

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

PM Prachanda's Wife Undisciplined Manner While Visit To India

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

рд╕рд░्рд╡ोрдЪ्рдЪрд▓े рд▓ोрдХрдоाрдирд▓ाрдИ рд╕рдоाрддेрдкрдЫि рд▓рдбाрдХुрдХो рдиाрдордоा рдк्рд░рдЪрдг्рдбрдХो рд╕рдд्рддा рдзрд░ाрдкрдоाः рдпрд╕्рддो рдЫ рд░рд╣рд╕्рдп

рд╢ुрдХ्рд░рдмाрд░ рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░ рджुрд░ुрдкрдпोрдЧ рдЕрдиुрд╕рди्рдзाрди рдЖрдпोрдЧрдХा рдк्рд░рдоुрдЦ рд▓ोрдоाрдирд╕िंрд╣ рдХाрд░्рдХी рдиिрдпुрдХ्рддिрдХो рдХाрдЧрдЬ рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзी рдЬрд╡ाрдл рдд्рддिрдЪ рдирдмुрдЭेрдкрдЫि рдПрдХ рд╣рдк्рддाрднिрдд्рд░ рдЪिрдд्рдд рдмुрдЭ्рджो рдЬрд╡ाрдл рджिрди рд╕рд░्рд╡ोрдЪ्рдЪрд▓े рд╕рд░рдХाрд░рд▓ाрдИ рдЖрджेрд╢ рджिрдП рд▓рдЧрдд्рддै рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░рд▓े рдкूрд░्рд╡ рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рд▓рдбाрдХुрдХा рд╢िрд╡िрд░рдоा рднрдПрдХो рдн्рд░рд╖्рдЯाрдЪाрд░рдХो рдлाрдЗрд▓ рдЦोрд▓ेрдХो рдЫ ।

рд╕рд░्рд╡ोрдЪ्рдЪрдмाрдЯ рдЬрдм рд▓ोрдХрдоाрдирдХो рд╕рдХ्рдХрд▓ рдХाрдЧрдЬ рдЭिрдХाрдЙрди рд╕рд░рдХाрд░рд▓ाрдИ рдкुрдиःрдЕрджेрд╢ рднрдпो рддрдм рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░рд▓े рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рдкूрд░्рд╡рд▓рдбाрдХु рд╢िрд╡िрд░рдоा рднрдПрдХो рдн्рд░рд╖्рдЯाрдЪाрд░рдХो рдлाрдпрд▓ рдЦोрд▓्рдиे рдиिрд░्рдгрдп рдЧрд░ेрдХो рд╣ो । рдпो рдХрджрдорд▓े рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░рдоाрдеि рдаूрд▓ो рдк्рд░рд╢्рди рдЙрдаेрдХो рдЫ । рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░рдХो рдиेрддृрдд्рд╡рд▓ाрдИ рдмрдЪाрдЙрди рдкрдЯрдХрдкрдЯрдХ рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рдиेрддृрдд्рд╡рд▓ाрдИ рд╣ाрд░ рдЧुрд╣ाрд░ рдЧрд░ेрдкрдиि рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рд▓े рд╡ेрд╡ाрд╕्рдеा рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЖрд░ोрдк рд▓ोрдХрдоाрдирдХो рдЫ ।

рд╕рд░्рд╡ोрдЪ्рдЪ рдЖрдлूрдоाрдеि рдХрдбा рд░ुрдкрдоा рдк्рд░рд╕्рддुрдд рднрдПрдкрдЫि рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджीрдХो рд╕рдорд░्рдердирдоा рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░ рдк्рд░рдоुрдЦ рднрдПрдХा рд▓ोрдоाрдирд▓े рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ीрд▓ाрдИ рдиै рд╕рд░्рд╡ोрдЪ्рдЪрдХो рдлैрд╕рд▓ा рд░ोрдХ्рди рджрдмाрдм рджिрдиे рдЧрд░ी рд▓рдбाрдХु рд╢िрд╡िрд░рдХो рдХाрдЧрдЬ рдЦोрд▓ेрдХो рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░рдХो рдЧोрдк्рдп рд╕्рд░ोрддрд▓े рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рджिрдПрдХो рдЫ । рд▓ोрдХрдоाрди рд╢िрд╡िрд░рдХो рдХाрдЧрдЬ рдЕрдиुрд╕рди्рдзाрди рдЕрдЧाрдбि рдмрдвाрдЙрдиे рднрди्рджा рдкрдиि рд╕рд░्рд╡ोрдЪ्рдЪрдоा рдкрд░ेрдХो рдЖрдл्рдиो рдоुрдж्рдзा рдХिрдиाрд░ा рд▓рдЧाрдЙрдиे рд╕ूрдд्рд░ рдЦोрдЬिрд░рд╣ेрдХा рдЫрди् । рдд्рдпрд╣ी рд╕ूрдд्рд░ рдордз्рдпे рдПрдХрдкूрд░्рд╡рд▓рдбाрдХु рднрдПрдХो рд▓ोрдХрдоाрдирдХो рд▓рдо्рдпाрдИ рдЫ ।

рдЖрдлू рд╡िрд░ुрдж्рдз рд╕рд░्рд╡ोрдЪ्рдЪрдХो рдлैрд╕рд▓ा рдЖрдП рд▓рдЧрдд्рддै рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рдкूрд░्рд╡рд▓рдбाрдХुрдХो рдн्рд░рд╖्рдЯाрдЪाрд░ рдоुрдж्рдзा рдЦोрд▓ेрдХो рд╡िрд╖рдпрд▓े рдЕрд╣िрд▓े рдЪрд░्рдЪा рдкाрдПрдХो рдЫ । рдкूрд░्рд╡рд▓рдбाрдХु рднिрдд्рд░рдХो рдн्рд░рд╖्рдЯाрдЪाрд░ рдоुрдж्рдзाрдоा рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ी рдкुрд╖्рдкрдХрдорд▓ рджाрд╣ाрд▓ ‘рдк्рд░рдЪрдг्рдб’, рддрдд्рдХाрд▓िрди рдЬрдирд╕ेрдиा рдк्рд░рдоुрдЦ рдПрд╡рдо् рдЙрдкрд░ाрд╖्рдЯ्рд░рдкрддि рдирди्рджрдмрд╣ाрджुрд░ рдкुрдирд╕ँрдЧै рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджीрдХा рдЙрдЪ्рдЪ рдиेрддाрдХो рдкрдиि рдоुрдЫिрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो । рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рдиेрддृрдд्рд╡рд▓े рдЖрдлू рд╡िрд░ुрдж्рдз рд╕рд░्рд╡ोрдЪ्рдЪрдоा рдЪрд▓ेрдХो рдоुрдж्рдзा рд░ोрдХ्рди рдирд╕рдХेрд░ рдЖрдл्рдиो рдкрджीрдп рдкрд░्рдпाрджा рд░ рдиैрддिрдХрддाрдоाрдеि рдиै рдк्рд░рд╢्рди рдЙрда्рджा рд╕рдоेрдд рдХुрдиै рдХрджрдо рдирдЪाрд▓ेрдХो рдк्рд░рддि рд▓ोрдХрдоाрди рд░ुрд╖्рдЯ рдЫрди् ।

рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░ рджुрд░ुрдкрдпोрдЧ рдЕрдиुрд╕рди्рдзाрди рдЖрдпोрдЧрд▓े рддрдд्рдХाрд▓ीрди рдиेрдХрдкा (рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी) рд▓рдбाрдХुрдХो рд╢िрд╡िрд░рдоा рд╕рд░рдХाрд░рд▓े рднрд░рдгрдкोрд╖рдгрдХा рд▓ाрдЧि рджिрдПрдХो рд░рдХрдордоा рднрдПрдХो рдЕрдиिрдпрдоिрддрддाрдмाрд░े рдЫाрдирд╡िрди рдиिрд╖्рдХрд░्рд╖рдоा рдкुрдЧ्рди рдеाрд▓ेрдХो рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рд╣िрдЬो рд╕ाँрдЭ рдвिрд▓ो рдЧрд░ी рдЧрд░ाрдПрдХो рд╣ो ।

рд╢ुрдХ्рд░рдмाрд░ рд╕ाँрдЭ рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдкрдд्рд░рдХाрд░ рд╕рдо्рдоेрд▓рдирдоा рдЖрдпोрдЧрдХा рдк्рд░рд╡рдХ्рддा рдЧрдгेрд╢рд░ाрдЬ рдХाрд░्рдХीрд▓े рд╢िрд╡िрд░рдоा рднрдПрдХो рдн्рд░рд╖्рдЯाрдЪाрд░рдХो рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзрдоा рдкрд░ेрдХो рдЙрдЬुрд░ीрдХा рдмाрд░ेрдоा рддрджाрд░ुрдХрддाрдХा рд╕ाрде рдЕрдиुрд╕рди्рдзाрди рднрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХो рдмрддाрдПрдХा рдЫрди् । рдпрдж्рдпрдкी рдд्рдпो рд╡िрд╖рдпрдоा рдЕрд╣िрд▓े рдХुрдиै рдЕрдиुрд╕рди्рдзाрди рднрдПрдХो рдЫैрди । рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░рд▓े рдкुрд░ाрдиै рдЕрдиुрд╕рди्рдзाрдирдХा рдлाрдпрд▓ рдЭिрдХ्рдиे рдиिрд░्рдгрдп рдоाрдд्рд░ рд╕ाрд░्рд╡рдЬрдиिрдХ рднрдПрдХो рдЫ ।

‘рдд्рдпрддिрдЦेрд░ рдиिрд░्рдгрдп рдк्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпाрдоा рд╕рд╣рднाрдЧी рд╣ुрдиुрднрдПрдХा рдорд╣рдд्рд╡рдкूрд░्рдг рдкрджाрдзिрдХाрд░ीрд╣рд░ुрд▓ाрдИ рдЕрдиुрд╕рди्рдзाрдирдХो рджाрдпрд░ाрдоा рд▓्рдпाрдПрдХा рдЫौँ । рейреж рджिрдирднिрдд्рд░ рдЙрд╣ाँрд╣рд░ुрд▓ाрдИ рдЬрд╡ाрдлрдХा рд▓ाрдЧि рдЖрдорди्рдд्рд░рдг рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдЫौँ, рдк्рд░рд╡рдХ्рддाрд▓े рднрдиे ।

рдЕрдиिрдпрдоिрддрддाрдХो рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзрдоा рдпрд╕рдмीрдЪрдоा рд╕рдоेрдд рдмुрдЭ्рдиे рдХाрдо рднрдПрдХो рддрдеा рдЖрдпोрдЧрд╕ँрдЧ рдорд╣рдд्рд╡рдкूрд░्рдг рдХाрдЧрдЬाрдд рд░рд╣ेрдХो рдЙрдирдХो рднрдиाрдЗ рдЫ । рдкрдд्рд░рдХाрд░рд▓े рддि рдЖрд░ोрдкी рдкрджाрдзिрдХाрд░ी рдХो рд╣ुрди рднрдиेрд░ рд╕ोрдзेрдХो рдк्рд░рд╢्рдирдоा рдк्рд░рд╡рдХ्рддा рдХाрд░्рдХीрд▓े рдЖрд▓рдЯाрд▓ рд╡рдкाm рджिрджै рднрдиे, ‘рддрдкाрдИрд╣рд░ुрд▓े рдмुрдЭ्рдиुрднрдПрдХै рдЫ, рдмुрдЭ्рдиुрд╣ोрд╕ рди ।’
рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрдХो рдЬुрдирд╕ुрдХै рдкрджрдоा рднрдПрдкрдиि рдЙрдиीрд╣рд░ु рджोрд╖ी рдард╣рд░िрдП рдЙрди्рдоुрдХ्рддि рдирджिрдИрдиे рдЙрдирдХो рднрдиाрдИ рдЫ ।
рдЙрдирд▓े рднрдиे, рд▓рдбाрдХु рд╕ंрдЦ्рдпा рд░ рдиिрдХाрд╕ा рднрдПрдХो рд░рдХрдордоा рддाрд▓рдоेрд▓ рдоिрд▓ेрдХो рдЫैрди, рдаुрд▓ो рдкрд░िрдгाрдордоा рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рдШोрдЯाрд▓ा рднрдПрдХो рдЫ । рдк्рд░ाрд░рдо्рднिрдХ рдЕрдиुрд╕рди्рдзाрдирд▓े рдпो рдЧрдо्рднीрд░ рдк्рд░рдХाрд░рдХो рдЫ рднрди्рдиे рджेрдЦाрдЙँрдЫ ।

рдпрд╕ैрдЧрд░ी рдЖрдпोрдЧрд▓े рдиेрдкाрд▓рдХो рд░ाрдЬрдиीрддिрдХ, рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рд░ рд╕ाрдоाрдЬिрдХ рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдоा рдЕрд▓्рдкрдХाрд▓िрди, рджिрд░्рдШрдХाрд▓िрди рдиिрд░्рдгрдп рдк्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпाрдоा рд╕рд╣рднाрдЧी рд╣ुрдиे, рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрд▓ाрдИ рдЕрд╕рд░ рдкाрд░्рди рд╕рдХ्рдиे рдиिрд░्рдгрдп рдЧрд░्рдиेрд╣рд░ुрд▓ाрдИ рд╕рдоेрдд рдЕрдиुрд╕рди्рдзाрди рд╕ुрд░ु рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рджिрдПрдХो рдЫ ।


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UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

рд╕ाрдЙрджी рдЕрд░рдм рдмाрдЯ рджाрдЗрд▓े рдорд▓ेрд╕िрдпाрдоा рднрдПрдХा рднाрдЗ рд▓ाрдЗ рдлोрди рдЧрд░ि рднрдиे рднाрдЗ рдШрд░ рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╣ाрд░ рд╣ेрд░्рдиु рдо рдЕрдм рдмाрдЪ्рджीрди рд╣ोрд▓ा рдШрд░рдХो рдЦ्рдпाрд▓ рдЧрд░्рдиु

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

School of New South Wales Australia

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

рдиेрдкाрд▓ рдЧрд░िрдм рд╣ुрдиै рд╕рдХ्рджैрдиः рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ी рджाрд╣ाрд▓

рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ी рдкुрд╖्рдкрдХрдорд▓ рджाрд╣ाрд▓рд▓े рд╢ाрди्рддि рд╕рдо्рдЭौрддाрдХा рдк्рд░ाрдХृрддिрдХ рд╕ाрдЭेрджाрд░рд╕ँрдЧ рдПрдХрддाрд╕рд╣िрдд рдмрдиेрдХो рд╕рд░рдХाрд░рд▓े рдиेрдкाрд▓рдоा рд▓рдЧाрдиीрдХा рд╡ाрддाрд╡рд░рдг рдЙрдкрдпुрдХ्рдд рдмрди्рджै рдЧрдПрдХो рдмрддाрдПрдХा рдЫрди्।

рдиेрдкाрд▓рдоा рд▓рдЧाрдиी рдЧрд░ेрдХा рднाрд░рддीрдп рдЙрдж्рдпोрдЧी рдПрд╡рдо् рд╡्рдпाрдкाрд░ी рд╕рдоुрджाрдпрд▓े рдЖрдЬ рдмिрд╣ाрди рдЖрдпोрдЬрдиा рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдХाрд░्рдпрдХ्рд░рдорд▓ाрдИ рд╕рдо्рдмोрдзрди рдЧрд░्рджै рдЙрдирд▓े рд▓рдЧाрдиीрдХो рд╡ाрддाрд╡рд░рдг рдмрди्рджै рдЧрдПрдХाрд▓े рд╡िрджेрд╢ी рд▓рдЧाрдиीрдХрд░्рддाрдХो рдоाрдЧрдЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рдиेрдкाрд▓рдоा рд╕рдмै рд╕ंрд░рдЪрдиा рддрдпाрд░ рднрдПрдХो рдмрддाрдП।

рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ी рджाрд╣ाрд▓рд▓े рд╕рд░рдХाрд░рд▓े рд▓рдЧाрдиी рдПрд╡рдо् рд░ाрдЬрдиीрддिрдХ рд╕्рдеाрдпिрдд्рд╡рдХा рд▓ाрдЧि рд╕्рдкрд╖्рдЯ рдиीрддि рд▓िрдПрдХो рдЙрд▓्рд▓ेрдЦ рдЧрд░्рджै рд╕рдо्рднाрд╡рдиाрдХा рдирдпाँ рдЕрдз्рдпाрдп рд╕ुрд░ु рднрдПрдХाрд▓े рд╡िрд╢्рд╡рд╕्рдд рд╣ुрди рдЙрдж्рдпोрдЧी рд╡्рдпाрдкाрд░ीрд▓ाрдИ рдЖрдЧ्рд░рд╣ рдЧрд░े।

рдЙрдирд▓े рдХृрд╖िрдоा рдЖрдзाрд░िрдд рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдоा рд▓рдЧाрдиी рд╡िрд╕्рддाрд░ рдЧрд░्рдиुрдкрд░्рдиेрдоा рдЬोрдб рджिँрджै рдд्рдпрд╕рдХा рд▓ाрдЧि рдиेрдкाрд▓ рд╕рд░рдХाрд░рд▓े рд╕рдХ्рджो рд╕рд╣рдпोрдЧ рдЧрд░्рдиे рдзाрд░рдгा рд░ाрдЦे।

“рд╡िрдЧрддрдоा рднрдПрдХा рдЕрдк्рда्рдпाрд░ा рд╕рдЩ्рд▓рджै рдЧрдПрдХो рдЫ, рдЕрдм рд╢рдЩ्рдХा рдЧрд░्рдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рдХाрд░рдг рдЫैрди” рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ी рджाрд╣ाрд▓рд▓े рднрдиे, “рднाрд░рдд рд░ рдЪीрди рдЬрд╕्рддा рд╡िрд╢्рд╡рдХा рдЙрджीрдпрдоाрди рд╢рдХ्рддि рд░ рдаूрд▓ो рдЕрд░्рдерддрди्рдд्рд░ рднрдПрдХा рдоुрд▓ुрдХрдХो рдмीрдЪрдоा рд░рд╣ेрдХो рдиेрдкाрд▓ рдЧрд░िрдм рд╣ुрдиै рд╕рдХ्рджैрди, рдЕрдм рд╕рдоृрдж्рдзिрдХो рдвोрдХा рдЦुрд▓ेрдХो рдЫ । ”

рднाрд░рддрдХा рд╡्рдпाрдкाрд░ीрд▓े рдиेрдкाрд▓рдоा рдкрдЫिрд▓्рд▓ो рд╕рдордп рд▓рдЧाрдиीрдХा рд▓ाрдЧि рдЙрдкрдпुрдХ्рдд рд╕рдордп рдЖрдПрдХो рдорд╣рд╕ुрд╕ рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдмрддाрдЙँрджै рдд्рдпрд╕рд▓ाрдИ рдЕрдЭै рд╡िрд╢्рд╡ाрд╕рдоा рдкрд░िрдгрдд рдЧрд░्рдиुрдкрд░्рдиेрдоा рдЙрдирд▓े рдЬोрдб рджिрдП ।рд░ाрд╕рд╕


рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░рд▓े рдеाрд▓्рдпो рд▓рдбाрдХु рдЫाрдирдмिрди, рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджीрдХा рдХो рдХो рдиेрддा рдкрд░्рд▓ाрди рдн्рд░рд╖्рдЯाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдХрд░рдгрдоा

рдХाрдардоाрдбौ । рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░ рджुрд░ुрдкрдпोрдЧ рдЕрдиुрд╕рди्рдзाрди рдЖрдпोрдЧрд▓े рддрдд्рдХाрд▓ीрди рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рд╕ेрдиाрдХा рд▓рдбाрдХुрдХो рд╢िрд╡िрд░ рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╕्рдеाрдкрди рддрдеा рд▓рдбाрдХुрдХो рднрд░рдгрдкोрд╖рдгрдоा рднрдПрдХो рдн्рд░рд╖्рдЯाрдЪाрд░рдХो рдЫाрдирдмिрди рддीрд╡्рд░ рдкाрд░ेрдХो рдЫ । рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░рд▓े рдЙрдХ्рдд рдн्рд░рд╖्рдЯाрдЪाрд░рдоा рдоुрдЫिрдПрдХा рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рдХेрди्рдж्рд░рдХा рдиेрддाрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рейреж рджिрдирднिрдд्рд░ рдмрдпाрдирдХा рд▓ाрдЧि рдмोрд▓ाрдЗрдПрдХो рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рджिрдПрдХो рдЫ ।

рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░ рдк्рд░рдоुрдЦ рд▓ोрдХрдоाрдирд╕िंрд╣ рдХाрд░्рдХी рдиिрдпुрдХ्рддिрдмाрд░े рдкुрд░ाрдиो рдлैрд╕рд▓ा рдкुрдирд░ाрд╡рд▓ोрдХрди рдЧрд░्рдиे рд╕рд░्рд╡ोрдЪ्рдЪрдХो рдиिрд░्рдгрдп рдЖрдПрдХो рдХेрд╣ी рдШрди्рдЯाрдоै рд╢ुрдХ्рд░рдмाрд░ рд╕ाँрдЭ рдЖрдпोрдЧрд▓े рдкрдд्рд░рдХाрд░ рд╕рдо्рдоेрд▓рди рдЧрд░ी рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рд╕ेрдиाрдХा рд╢िрд╡िрд░рдХो рдЫाрдирдмिрди рддीрд╡्рд░ рдкाрд░िрдПрдХो рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рджिрдПрдХो рд╣ो । ‘рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рд╢िрд╡िрд░рдоा рднрд░рдгрдкोрд╖рдг рд░ рдЕрди्рдп рдиाрдордоा рдЧрдПрдХो рд░рдХрдордмाрд░ेрдХो рдЫाрдирдмिрди рддрджाрд░ुрдХрддाрд╕ाрде рдЕрдШि рдмрдвाрдПрдХा рдЫौं, рдЖрдпोрдЧ рдк्рд░рд╡рдХ्рддा рдЧрдгेрд╢рд░ाрдЬ рдХाрд░्рдХीрд▓े рднрдиे, ‘рдпрд╕ рд╡िрд╖рдпрдоा рдЕрдм рд╣ाрдоी рдЫिрдЯो рдиिрд╖्рдХрд░्рд╖рдоा рдкुрдЧ्рджैрдЫौं।

рд╢िрд╡िрд░ рдЫाрдирдмिрдирдоा рдоुрдЫिрдПрдХा рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рдиेрддाрд╣рд░ूрд▓ाрдИ рейреж рджिрдирднिрдд्рд░ рдЖрдпोрдЧрдоा рдЖрдИ рдмрдпाрди рджिрди рднрдиिрдПрдХो рдХाрд░्рдХीрд▓े рдмрддाрдП । ‘рдорд╣рдд्рд╡рдкूрд░्рдг рдкрджाрдзिрдХाрд░ीрд▓ाрдИ рдЕрдиुрд╕рди्рдзाрдирдХा рд▓ाрдЧि рейреж рджिрдирднिрдд्рд░ рдЖрдЗрджिрди рдЖрдорди्рдд्рд░рдг рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдЫौं,ु рдХाрд░्рдХीрд▓े рднрдиे, ‘рд░ाрдЬ्рдпрдХा рдЬो рдЬुрди рдкрджрдоा рдмрд╕े рдкрдиि рджोрд╖ी рдЫ рднрдиे рдЙрди्рдоुрдХ्рддि рдкाрдЗँрджैрди ।ु рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ी рдкुрд╖्рдкрдХрдорд▓ рджाрд╣ाрд▓, рдЙрдкрдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ी рдХृрд╖्рдгрдмрд╣ाрджुрд░ рдорд╣рд░ाрд▓рдЧाрдпрдд рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджीрдХा рдЙрдЪ्рдЪ рдиेрддाрд╣рд░ू рд╢िрд╡िрд░ рдн्рд░рд╖्рдЯाрдЪाрд░ рдк्рд░рдХрд░рдгрдоा рдЬोрдбिрдП рдкрдиि рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░рд▓े рднрдиे рдХुрдирдХुрди рдиेрддाрд▓ाрдИ рдмрдпाрдирдХा рд▓ाрдЧि рдмोрд▓ाрдЗрдПрдХो рд╣ो рднрди्рдиे рд╡िрд╖рдпрдоा рдмрддाрдПрди ।

рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рд╢ाрди्рддि рдк्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпाрдоा рдЖрдПрдкрдЫि рдЙрд╕рдХा рд▓рдбाрдХुрд▓ाрдИ рд╕ाрдд рдоुрдЦ्рдп рд░ рдЕрди्рдп рд╢िрд╡िрд░рдоा рд░ाрдЦिрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो । рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ी рддрдеा рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рдХेрди्рдж्рд░рдХा рдЕрдз्рдпрдХ्рд╖ рджाрд╣ाрд▓ рдд्рдпрддिрдЦेрд░ рд▓рдбाрдХुрдХो рд╕ुрдк्рд░िрдо рдХрдоाрди्рдбрд░ рдеिрдП рднрдиे рдирди्рджрдХिрд╢ोрд░ рдкुрди, рд╡рд░्рд╖рдоाрди рдкुрди, рдЬрдиाрд░्рджрди рд╢рд░्рдоा рд░ рдмрд▓рджेрд╡ рд╢рд░्рдоा рдбिрднिрдЬрди рдХрдоाрди्рдбрд░ рдеिрдП ।
рдЙрдкрдк्рд░рдзाрди рддрдеा рдЕрд░्рдердорди्рдд्рд░ी рдПрд╡ं рдПрдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рдиेрддा рдорд╣рд░ाрд▓े рдд्рдпрддिрдЦेрд░ рд╕рд░рдХाрд░рдмाрдЯ рдмुрдЭेрдХो рд░рдХрдо рдлрд╕्рд░्рдпोрдЯ рд╣ुрди рд╕рдХेрдХो рдеिрдПрди । ‘рдпो рдоुрдж्рджा рдЧрдо्рднीрд░ рдк्рд░рдХृрддिрдХो рдЫ рднрди्рдиे рдд рдк्рд░ाрд░рдо्рднिрдХ рдЕрдиुрд╕рди्рдзाрдирдоा рджेрдЦिрдЗрд╕рдХिрдпो,рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░рдХा рдПрдХ рдЙрдЪ्рдЪ рдЕрдзिрдХाрд░ीрд▓े рднрдиे, ‘рд▓рдбाрдХुрдХो рд╕ंрдЦ्рдпा рд░ рдиिрдХाрд╕ा рд░рдХрдордоा рддाрд▓рдоेрд▓ рдоिрд▓ेрдХो рдЫैрди ।

рд╢िрд╡िрд░ рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╕्рдеाрдкрди рд░ рд▓рдбाрдХुрдХो рднрд░рдгрдкोрд╖рдгрдоा рдЪाрд░ рдЕрд░्рдмрднрди्рджा рдмрдвी рдн्рд░рд╖्рдЯाрдЪाрд░ рднрдПрдХो рднрди्рджै реирежремреп рд╕ाрд▓рдоा рдПрдоाрд▓े рдиिрдХрдЯ рдпुрд╡ा рд╕ंрдШрд▓рдЧाрдпрддрд▓े рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░рдоा рдЙрдЬुрд░ी рджिрдПрдХा рдеिрдП । рдПрдоाрдУрд╡ाрджीрдмाрдЯ рдЕрд▓рдЧ рднрдПрдХो рд╡ैрдж्рдп рдоाрдУрд╡ाрджी рд░ рдмрд╣िрд░्рдЧрдордирдоा рдкрд░ेрдХा рд▓рдбाрдХुрд▓े рдкрдиि рдХрд░ोрдбौं рдн्рд░рд╖्рдЯाрдЪाрд░ рднрдПрдХो рднрди्рджै рдЫाрдирдмिрди рд╣ुрдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рдоाрдЧ рдЧрд░्рджै рдЖрдПрдХा рдЫрди् ।

рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░рд▓े рдЕрдХुрдд рд╕рдо्рдкрдд्рддि рдЫाрдирдмिрди рдк्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпा рдЕрди्рддिрдо рдЪрд░рдгрдоा рдкुрдЧेрдХो рднрди्рджै рдд्рдпрд╕рдХो рдкрдиि рдирддिрдЬा рдЖрдЙрди рд▓ाрдЧेрдХो рдЬрдиाрдПрдХो рдЫ । ‘рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ, рд╕ाрдоाрдЬिрдХ, рд░ाрдЬрдиीрддिрдХ рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдоा рджुрд░рдЧाрдоी рдЕрд╕рд░ рдкрд░्рдиे рдЧрд░ी рдЖрдпोрдЧрд▓े рдЫाрдирдмिрди рдЕрдШि рдмрдвाрдПрдХो рдЫ,ु рдк्рд░рд╡рдХ्рддा рдХाрд░्рдХीрд▓े рднрдиे, ‘рдХेрд╣ी рджिрдирдоै рдпрд╕рдХो рдкрдиि рдирддिрдЬा рдЖрдЙँрдЫ ।ु рдЕрдЦ्рддिрдпाрд░рд▓े рд░ाрдЬрдиीрддिрдХ рджрд▓рдХा рдиेрддाрд▓рдЧाрдпрдд рд╡िрднिрди्рди рдХ्рд╖ेрдд्рд░рдХा рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддिрд╣рд░ूрдХो рд╕рдо्рдкрдд्рддिрдХो рдЫाрдирдмिрди рдЧрд░िрд░рд╣ेрдХो рдЫ ।

Nepal-India 3 point agreement, what did say Modi about Nepal constitution ?

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Nepali Lady Work in international Airport, Doha

reasons the understudies proceeded onward from UNSW are incredibly asked for all around the world.
UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.
The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities


reasons the understudies proceeded onward from UNSW are incredibly asked for all around the world.
UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.
The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities

рдорд▓ेрд╕िрдпा рдЬाрдиे рдХाрдорджाрд░рдоाрдеि рдЪрд░рдо рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рд╢ोрд╖рдг рдЧрд░्рдиे рейреп рдо्рдпाрдирдкाрд╡рд░ рд╕ंрд╕्рдеा рддрдд्рдХाрд▓ рдмрди्рдж рдЧрд░्рди рдоाрдЧ

рдХाрдардоाрдбौँ, реирео рднрджौ । рдиेрдкाрд▓ рд╡ैрджेрд╢िрдХ рд░ोрдЬрдЧाрд░ рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╕ाрдпी рд╕рдЩ्рдШрд▓े рдорд▓ेрд╕िрдпाрдоा рд░ोрдЬрдЧाрд░ीрдХा рд▓ाрдЧि рдЬाрдиे рдХाрдорджाрд░рд╕ँрдЧ рд╡िрднिрди्рди рдиाрдордоा рдмрдвी рд░рдХрдо рдЙрдаाрдЙрдиे рдХाрд░्рдп рднрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдХो рднрди्рджै рд╕ो рдХाрд░्рдп рд░ोрдХ्рди рдоाрдЧ рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЫ ।

рд╕рдЩ्рдШрдХा рдЕрдз्рдпрдХ्рд╖ рд╡िрдорд▓ рдвाрдХाрд▓рд▓े рдЖрдЬ рд╡िрдЬ्рдЮрдк्рддि рдЬाрд░ी рдЧрд░्рджै рдмाрдпोрдоेрдЯ्рд░िрдХ, рдоाрдЗрдЧ्рд░ाрдо, рднिрдПрд▓рдПрди, рдУрдПрд╕рд╕ीрд▓рдЧाрдпрддрдХा рдиाрдордоा рдХाрдорджाрд░рдоाрдеि рд╡ाрд░्рд╖िрдХ рдХрд░िрдм  рдПрдХ рдЕрд░्рдм рейреп рдХрд░ोрдб рдердк рдЖрд░्рдеिрдХ рд╡्рдпрдпрднाрд░ рдкाрд░िрдПрдХो рдЬрдиाрдЙँрджै рддрдд्рдХाрд▓ рдпрд╕्рддा рейреп рд╕ंрд╕्рдеा рдмрди्рдж рдЧрд░िрдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рд╕рдЩ्рдШрд▓े рдоाрдЧ рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЫ ।

рдЫ рдорд╣िрдиाрдХा рд▓ाрдЧि рдкрд░ीрдХ्рд╖рдгрдХो рд░ुрдкрдоा рд▓ाрдЧू рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рдмाрдпोрдоेрдЯ्рд░िрдХ рдк्рд░рдгाрд▓ी рдЕрд╡рдзि рд╕рдХिрдПрдХो рдЖрда рдорд╣िрдиा рдиाрдШिрд╕рдХ्рджा рд╕рдоेрдд рдЕрд╡ैрдзाрдиिрдХ рддрд░िрдХाрд▓े рейреп рд╡рдЯा рд╕ंрд╕्рдеाрд▓े рдХाрдорджाрд░рдХो рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рдкрд░ीрдХ्рд╖рдг рдХाрд░्рдп рдЬाрд░ी рд░ाрдЦेрдХो рднрди्рджै рддрдд्рдХाрд▓ рд╕ो рдХाрд░्рдп рд░ोрдХ्рди рд╕рдЩ्рдШрд▓े рдоाрдЧ рдЬрдиाрдПрдХो рдЫ ।

рдпрд╕рдЕрдШि рдиेрдкाрд▓ рд╕рд░рдХाрд░рд▓े рдиिрд░्рдзाрд░рдг рдЧрд░ेрдХो  рджुрдИ рд╣рдЬाрд░ ремреирел рдк्рд░рддि рдХाрдорджाрд░ рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рдкрд░ीрдХ्рд╖рдг рд╢ुрд▓्рдХ рдоाрдд्рд░ рд▓िрди рдкाрдЙрдиे рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╕्рдеा рд░рд╣ेрдХोрдоा рдмाрдпोрдоेрдЯ्рд░िрдХ рд▓ाрдЧू рднрдПрдкрдЫि рд░ु рдЪाрд░ рд╣рдЬाрд░ релрежреж рдХाрдорджाрд░рдмाрдЯ рд▓िрди рдеाрд▓िрдПрдХो рд░ рдЕрд╡ैрдзाрдиिрдХ рддрд░िрдХाрд▓े рд╕्рд╡ाрд╕्рде्рдп рдкрд░ीрдХ्рд╖рдг рдЧрд░ी рд╡ाрд░्рд╖िрдХ рдХрд░िрдм рд░ु рекрел рдХрд░ोрдб рдардЧी рдЧрд░िрд░рд╣ेрдХो рд╕рдЩ्рдШрд▓े рдЬрдиाрдПрдХो рдЫ ।

рдмाрдпोрдоेрдЯ्рд░िрдХ рдоेрдбिрдХрд▓рдХै рдиाрдордоा рдорд▓ेрд╕िрдпाрд╕्рдеिрдд рдоे рдмैंрдХрдоा рдк्рд░рддि рдХाрдорджाрд░  рддीрди рд╣рдЬाрд░ реирежреж рдЬрдо्рдоा рдЧрд░ाрдИ рд╡ाрд░्рд╖िрдХ рдердк рейреи рдХрд░ोрдб рдардЧी рдЧрд░िрд░рд╣ेрдХो рд╣ुँрджा рддрдд्рдХाрд▓ рдмाрдпोрдоेрдЯ्рд░िрдХ рдоेрдбिрдХрд▓ рдЧрд░्рдиे рд╕ंрд╕्рдеा рдмрди्рдж рдЧрд░िрдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рд╕рдЩ्рдШрд▓े рдоाрдЧ рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЫ ।

рдорд▓ेрд╕िрдпा рдЬाрдиे рдХाрдорджाрд░рд▓े рдк्рд░рд╡ेрд╢ाрдЬ्рдЮा рд╢ुрд▓्рдХрдмाрдкрдд  ренрежреж рдоाрдд्рд░ै рд▓ाрдЧ्рдиे рдЧрд░ेрдХाрдоा рднिрдПрд▓рдПрди рдиेрдкाрд▓ рдиाрдордХ рд╕ंрд╕्рдеाрд▓े рдк्рд░рд╡ेрд╢ाрдЬ्рдЮा рдк्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпाрдХो рдиाрдордоा рдердк  рддीрди рд╣рдЬाрд░ реирежреж рд▓िрдИ рд╡ाрд░्рд╖िрдХ рдХрд░िрдм  рейреи рдХрд░ोрдб рдардЧी рдЧрд░िрд░рд╣ेрдХो рд╣ुँрджा рддрдд्рдХाрд▓ рднिрдПрд▓рдПрди рдиेрдкाрд▓ рд╕ंрд╕्рдеा рдмрди्рдж рдЧрд░िрдиुрдкрд░्рдиे рд╡िрдЬ्рдЮрдк्рддिрдоा рдЙрд▓्рд▓ेрдЦ рдЫ ।

рд╣ाрд▓ै рд╡ाрди рд╕्рдЯेрдк рд╕ेрди्рдЯрд░ (рдУрдПрд╕рд╕ी) рдиाрдордХ рд╕ंрд╕्рдеाрд▓े рд▓ाрдЬिрдо्рдкाрдЯрдоा рдХाрд░्рдпाрд▓рдп рд╕्рдеाрдкрдиा рдЧрд░ी рд░ाрд╣рджाрдиी рд╕рдЩ्рдХрд▓рдирдмाрдкрдд рдк्рд░рддि рдХाрдорджाрд░  рддीрди рд╣рдЬाрд░ реирежреж рд▓िрдИ рд╡ाрд░्рд╖िрдХ рдХрд░िрдм  рейреж рдХрд░ोрдб рдардЧी рдЧрд░्рди рд▓ाрдЧिрдПрдХो рд╕рдЩ्рдШрд▓े рдЬрдиाрдПрдХो рдЫ ।

tinau jholunge pool

reasons the understudies proceeded onward from UNSW are incredibly asked for all around the world.
UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.
The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities

рдХрд▓ाрдХाрд░ рд╣ुрдиुрдЕрдШि рдоाрдЧ्рдиेрдмुрдвा рдЯेрдо्рдкो рдЪрд▓ाрдЙँрдеे !! рдоाрдЧ्рдиे рдмुрдвाрдХो рдЬीрд╡рдирдХा резрем рд░рд╣рд╕्рдпрд╣рд░ु (рднिрдбिрдпो

reasons the understudies proceeded onward from UNSW are incredibly asked for all around the world.
UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.
The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities

School of New South Wales Australia

reasons the understudies proceeded onward from UNSW are incredibly asked for all around the world.
UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.

School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.
The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities

School of New South Wales Australia

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

186 snakes found in a house in Uttar Pradesh

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

рдХेрдкी рдУрд▓ीрд▓े рднрдиे рдЫрдХ्рдХा рдкрдЮ्рдЬा рдирд░ाрдо्рд░ो

рдиिрдХै рдЪрд░्рдЪा рд░ рд▓ोрдХрдк्рд░ीрдпрддा рдХрдоाрдИрд░рд╣ेрдХो рдЪрд▓рдЪिрдд्рд░ ремрдХ्рдХा рдкрдЮ्рдЬा рддीрди рдкूрд░्рд╡ рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ीрд▓े рдПрдХैрд╕ाрде рд╣ेрд░ेрдХा рдЫрди् । рдиेрдХрдкा рдПрдоाрд▓ेрдХो рдк्рд░рддिрдиिрдзिрдд्рд╡ рдЧрд░्рджै рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ी рдмрдиेрдХा рдХेрдкी рд╢рд░्рдоा, рдЭрд▓рдиाрде рдЦрдиाрд▓ рд░ рдоाрдзрд╡ рдХुрдоाрд░ рдиेрдкाрд▓рд▓े рдПрдХैрд╕ाрде ремрдХ्рдХा рдкрдЮ्рдЬा рд╣ेрд░ेрдХा рд╣ुрди् । рдЪрд▓рдЪिрдд्рд░ рд╣ेрд░िрд╕рдХेрдкрдЫि рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ी рдХेрдкी рд╢рд░्рдоा рдУрд▓ीрд▓े рдлिрд▓्рдо рд░ाрдо्рд░ो рддрд░ ремрдХ्рдХा рдкрдЮ्рдЬा рдирд░ाрдо्рд░ो рднрди्рджै рдардЯ्рдпौрд▓ी рдк्рд░рддिрдХ्рд░िрдпा рджिрдПрдХा рдЫрди् । рдоुрди्рдж्рд░े, рдоाрдЧ्рдиे, рджिрдкрдХ рджिрдкा рднрдПрдХो рдлिрд▓्рдорд▓े рдирд╣ँрд╕ाрдЙрдиे рдд рдХुрд░ै рднрдПрди, рдкूрд░्рд╡ рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ी рдУрд▓ीрд▓े рднрдиे рдиाрдо ремрдХ्рдХा рдкрдЮ्рдЬा рднрдП рдкрдиि рдлिрд▓्рдордоा рд╕ंрджेрд╢ рд░ рдордиोрд░рдЮ्рдЬрдирдХो рдЧрддिрд▓ो рд╕ंрдпोрдЬрди рд░рд╣ेрдХो рднрди्рджै рдк्рд░рд╢ंрд╕ा рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдЫрди् । рд╣ेрд░्рдиुрд╣ोрд╕् рднिрдбिрдпो । рдЙрдирд▓े рдпрд╕ो рднрди्рджा рд╣ाँрд╕ो рдЧुрди्рдЬीрдПрдХो рдеिрдпो ।
рдпрд╕्рддै, рдЪрд▓рдЪिрдд्рд░рдмाрд░े рдк्рд░рддिрдХ्рд░िрдпा рджिँрджै рдкूрд░्рд╡ рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ी рдЭрд▓рдиाрде рдЦрдиाрд▓рд▓े рдлिрд▓्рдорд▓े рд╕ंрд╡ाрдж рдиै рдкिрдЪ्рдЫे рд╣ँрд╕ाрдПрдХो рдк्рд░рддिрдХ्рд░िрдпा рджिрдПрдХा рдЫрди् । рдЙрдирд▓े рднрдиे рд░ाрдо्рд░ैрд╕ँрдЧ рд╣ाँрд╕ीрдпो рддрд░ рд╡ैрджेрд╢ीрдХ рд░ोрдЬрдЧाрд░ीрд▓े рд▓्рдпाрдПрдХो рд╕ाрдоाрдЬिрдХ рд╕рдорд╕्рдпाрд▓ाрдИ рдлिрд▓्рдордоा рд╣ेрд░्рджा рд╡िрдХ्рд╖िрдк्рдд рд╣ुрди рдкрдиि рдмाрдз्рдп рдЧрд░ाрдпो । рдЕрд░्рдХा рдкूрд░्рд╡ рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ी рдоाрдзрд╡ рдХुрдоाрд░ рдиेрдкाрд▓рд▓े рдкрдиि рдлिрд▓्рдордХो рдк्рд░рд╢ंрд╕ा рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдЫрди् । рдПрдоाрд▓े рдХेрди्рдж्рд░िрдп рдХрдоिрдЯिрдХा рдХрд░िрдм рдПрдХ рджрд░्рдЬрди рдиेрддा ремрдХ्рдХा рдкрдЮ्рдЬा рд╣ेрд░्рди рдПрдХрд╕ाрде рд╕िрдЯी рд╕ेрди्рдЯрд░ рдкुрдЧेрдХा рдеिрдП ।
рдпрд╕्рддै, рд╣ाँрд╕्рдп рдХрд▓ाрдХाрд░рдж्рдзрдп рдорджрдирдХृрд╖्рдг рд╢्рд░ेрд╖्рда рд░ рд╣рд░िрд╡ंрд╢ рдЖрдЪाрд░्рдпрд▓े рдкрдиि рдкूрд░्рд╡ рдк्рд░рдзाрдирдорди्рдд्рд░ीрд╣рд░ुрд╕ँрдЧै рдмрд╕ेрд░ ремрдХ्рдХा рдкрдЮ्рдЬा рд╣ेрд░ेрдХा рдЫрди् । рдЖрдл्рдиो рдкрдердоा рд░рд╣ेрдХा рд╣ाँрд╕्рдп рдХрд▓ाрдХाрд░рд▓े рдиिрд░्рдоाрдг рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдЪрд▓рдЪिрдд्рд░рд▓े рджрд░्рд╢рдХрдХो рдорди рдЬिрдд्рджा рдЖрдлुрд▓ाрдИ рдиिрдХै рдЦुрд╢ि рд▓ाрдЧेрдХा рдЙрдиीрд╣рд░ुрд▓े рдмрддाрдПрдХा рдЫрди् ।

рдпी рд╣ुрди् рд╢्рд░ीрдорддीрдХो рд╣рдд्рдпा рдЧрд░ेрд░ рд░ाрддрднрд░ рд╢рд╡рд╕ँрдЧ рд╕ेрдХ्рд╕ рдЧрд░्рдиे рдХ्рд░ुрд░ рд╣рдд्рдпाрд░ा

рдоाрдпाрдк्рд░ेрдо, рд╡िрд╣े рд░ рдпौрдирд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзрдХा рдХाрд░рдгрд▓े рдХрд╕्рддा рдХрд╕्рддा рдШрдЯрдиा рдиिрдо्рддрди्рдЫрди् । рдоाрдиिрд╕рд╣рд░ु рдХрддिрд╕рдо्рдо рдШिрдирд▓ाрдЧ्рджो рдХ्рд░िрдпाрдХрд▓ाрдк рдЧрд░्рди рд╕рдХ्рдЫрди рдпрд╕рдХो рдХुрдиै рдЕрди्рджाрдЬा рдиै рд▓рдЧाрдЙрди рд╕рдХिрди्рди । рднाрд░рддрдоा рдпрд╕्рддै рдПрдЙрдЯा рдШिрдирд▓ाрдЧ्рджो рд░ рдкрдд्рдпाрд░ рдиै рдЧрд░्рди рдирд╕рдХिрдиे рдЕрдиौрдаो рдШрдЯрдиा рд╕ाрд░्рд╡рдЬрдиिрдХ рднрдПрдХो рдЫ ।
рдШрдЯрдиा рднाрд░рддрдХो рд░ाрдЬрдзाрдиी рдирдпाँрджिрд▓्рд▓ीрд╕्рдеिрдд рдиिрд╣ाрд▓ рд╡िрд╣ाрд░рдХो рд╣ो । рдЬрд╣ाँ рдПрдХ рдкुрд░ुрд╖рд▓े рдорджिрд░ाрдХो рдирд╢ाрдоा рдкрдд्рдиीрдХो рд╣рдд्рдпा рдЧрд░ेрд░ рдПрдЙрдЯा рдШिрдирд▓ाрдЧ्рджो рдХрд░्рддुрдд рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдЫрди् рдЬрд╕рд▓े рдк्рд░рд╣рд░ीрдХो рд╕рдоेрдд рд╣ोрд╕ рдЙрдбेрдХो рдЫ । рдЕрд╡ैрдз рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдзрдХो рдЪрдХ्рдХрд░рдоा рдкрд╣िрд▓ा рдорд╣िрд▓ाрдХो рд╣рдд्рдпा рдЧрд░े । рдд्рдпрд╕рдкрдЫि рдкрдиि рдЙрдирдХो рдпौрди рддृрд╖्рдгा рдирдоेрдЯिрдПрдкрдЫि рдкрдд्рдиीрдХो рд╢рд╡рд╕ँрдЧ рд░ाрддрднрд░ी рд╕ेрдХ्рд╕ рдЧрд░िрд░рд╣े ।

рдпрд╕рд░ी рдмрдиेрдХो рдеिрдпो рдЙрдиीрд╣рд░ुрдХो рд╕рдо्рд╡рди्рдз
рджिрд▓्рд▓ीрдХो рдмрдХрдХрд░рд╡рд▓ा рдмрд╕्рдиे реирез рд╡рд░्рд╖ीрдп рдоोрдиिрдХाрдХो рдпूрдкी рдмुрд▓рди्рджрд╢рд╣рд░рдХा реирел рд╡рд░्рд╖ीрдп рдк्рд░рджीрдкрд╕ँрдЧ рдк्рд░ेрдо рдмрд╕्рдпो । рджुрдмैрдмीрдЪ рем рдорд╣िрдиाрд╕ँрдЧ рдоाрдпा рдк्рд░ेрдордХो рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдз рдЪрд▓्рдпो । рдд्рдпрд╕рдкрдЫि рдкрд░िрд╡ाрд░рдХो рд╕рд╣рдорддिрдоा рдЙрдд्рддрд░ рдк्рд░рджेрд╢рдХो рдЧंрдЧा рдШाрдЯрдоा рджुрдмै рд╕ाрдд рдлेрд░ा рд▓рдЧाрдПрд░ рд╡िрд╣े рдЧрд░े ।
рд╡िрд╡ाрд╣ рдкрдЫिрдХो рд╕рдо्рд╡рди्рдз рдЯिрдХेрди.  рдШрдЯ्рдпो рдпрд╕्рддो рдШрдЯрдиा :
рдЙрдиीрд╣рд░ु рдмिрдЪрдХो рд╕рдо्рдмрди्рдз рдзेрд░ै рд▓ाрдоोрд╕рдордп рд╕рдо्рдо рдЯिрдХ्рди рд╕рдХेрди् । рдкрддि рдк्рд░рджीрдкрд▓े рдорджिрд░ाрдХो рдирд╢ाрдоा рдкрдд्рдиीрд▓ाрдИ рдкрд░्рдЦाрд▓ рдвोрдХ्рдХाрдПрд░ рд╣рдд्рдпा рдЧрд░े ।рдЙрдиी рд░рдЧрддрд▓े рд▓рддрдкрддिрдПрд░ рд╡ेрд╣ोрд╕ рд╣ुँрджै рдЬрдоिрдирдоा рдЦрд╕िрди् । рдк्рд░рджीрдкрд▓े рд░рдЧрддрд▓े рднрд░िрдПрдХो рдЙрдирдХो рдЕрдиुрд╣ाрд░ рдкाрдиीрд▓े рдзोрдП । рдд्рдпрд╕рдкрдЫि рдЙрдирд▓ाрдИ рд╡िрд╕्рддрд░ाрдоा рд▓рдЧेрд░ рдЧрдП । рд░ рд╢рд╡рд╕ँрдЧ рд▓рдЧाрддाрд░ рд╕ेрдХ्рд╕ рдЧрд░ेрд░ рдпौрди рддृрд╖्рдгा рдоेрдЯाрдЙрди рдеाрд▓े । рдЙрдиी рд░ाрддрднрд░ рдкрдд्рдиीрд╕ँрдЧ рд╕ुрддेрдХा рдкрдиि рдеिрдП । рд╡िрд╣ाрди рдиिрдж्рд░ा рдЦुрд▓्рджा рд╢рд╡рд▓ाрдИ рдХोрдаाрдоै рдЫाрдбेрд░ рдлрд░ाрд░ рднрдП ।
рдпрд╕्рддो рдЫ рдШрдЯрдиाрдХो рдоुрдЦ्рдп рдХाрд░рдг:
рдк्рд░ाрдк्рдд рдЬाрдирдХाрд░ी рдЕрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рд╡िрд╣ेрдкрдЫि рдХेрд╣ी рджिрди рдд рдк्рд░рджीрдкрд▓े рдоोрдиिрдХाрд▓ाрдИ рдЧाрдЙँрдоै рд░ाрдЦे । рддрд░, рдордирд▓े рдирдоाрдиेрдкрдЫि рдкрдд्рдиीрд▓ाрдИ рджिрд▓्рд▓ी рд▓рдЧे । рджिрд▓्рд▓ीрдХो рдиिрд╣ाрд▓ рд╡िрд╣ाрд░рдоा рднाрдбाрдХो рдбेрд░ाрдоा рдмрд╕्рди рдеाрд▓े । рд╕ाрдеै рд╕ाрдиो рддिрдиो рдХाрдо рдЧрд░्рди рдеाрд▓े । рддрд░, рдоोрдиिрдХा рдЦुрд▓ा (рд╕्рд╡рддрди्рдд्рд░) рд╕्рд╡рднाрд╡рдХी рдеिрдЗрди् । рдЬрд╕рд▓े рдк्рд░рджीрдкрдХो рдордирдоा рд╢ंрдХा рдмрдв्рдпो рдХि рдЙрдирдХी рдкрдд्рдиीрдХो рджोрд╕्рддी рдЕрд░ु рдпुрд╡рдХрд╣рд░ुрд╕ँрдЧ рднрдЗрд░рд╣ेрдЫ ।

рдлेрд░ि рдпो рдХुрд░ाрд▓ाрдИ рд▓िрдПрд░ рдк्рд░рджीрдк рд░ рдоोрдиिрдХाрдмीрдЪ рджिрдирджिрдиै рдЭрдЧрдбा рд╣ुрди рдеाрд▓्рдпो । рджुрдмैрдХो рдЭрдЧрдбाрд▓े рдЙрдирдХा рдЖрд╕рдкाрд╕рдХा рдЫिрдоेрдХी рдкрдиि рд╣ैрд░ाрди рд╣ुрди рдеाрд▓े । рддрд░, рдЫिрдоेрдХीрд╣рд░ुрд▓ाрдИ рдХे рдеाрд╣ा рдХि рдк्рд░рджीрдк рдпрд╕्рддो рдШिрдирд▓рдЧ्рджो рдХрд░्рддुрдд рдЧрд░्рдирд╕рдХ्рдЫрди् рд░ु рдШрдЯрдиा рднрдПрдХो рд░ाрддि рдк्рд░рджीрдкрд▓े рдЖрдлू рдкрдиि рд░рдХ्рд╕ी рдкिрдП рд░ рдкрдд्рдиीрд▓ाрдИ рдкрдиि рдкिрд▓ाрдП । рдлेрд░ि рджुрдмैрдмीрдЪ рдЭрдЧрдбा рд╕ुрд░ु рднрдпो । рдбेрд░ाрдоा рдмрд╕्рдиे рдЕрди्рдп рдЫिрдоेрдХीрд╣рд░ुрд▓े рдШрд░рдмेрдЯी рдмेрд▓ाрдПрд░ рдЭрдЧрдбा рд╢ाрди्рдд рдЧрд░ाрдП । рддрд░, рд╕рдмै рдЬрдиा рдЧрдЗрд╕рдХेрдкрдЫि рд╢्рд░ीрдорддीрдХो рдЯाрдЙрдХो рдХोрдаाрдХो рднिрдд्рддाрдоा рдаोрдХेрд░ рд╣рдд्рдпा рдЧрд░े ।
рдк्рд░рд╣рд░ी рднрди्рдЫ– рдЕрднिрдпुрдХ्рдд рдкрддि рдк्рд░рджीрдкрд▓े рдШрдЯрдиा рд╕्рд╡ीрдХाрд░ рдЧрд░ेрдХा рдЫрди् । рдоोрдиिрдХाрдХो рдкोрд╕्рдЯрдоाрд░्рдЯрдордХो рд░िрдкोрд░्рдЯрд▓े рд╢рд╡рд╕ँрдЧ рд╕ेрдХ्рд╕ рдЧрд░ेрдХो рдЦुрд▓ाрд╕ा рдЧрд░ेрдХो рд╣ो । рдкрдХ्рд░ाрдЙ рдкрд░ेрдХा рдк्рд░рджीрдкрдоाрдеि рдердк рдЕрдиुрд╕рди्рдзाрди рдЬाрд░ी рдЫ ।

Cabin Pressure: Former Air Hostess Can Control The Size Of Her 32K Breasts

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

School of New South Wales Australia

School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

Rani Pokhari reconstruction to resume this week

School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

рдЫрдХ्рдХा рдкрди्рдЬा’ рд╣ेрд░्рди рдУрд▓ी, рдЦрдиाрд▓ рд░ рдиेрдкाрд▓ рд╣рд▓рдоा !

School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

рд╕ाрдмрдзाрди !! рд╕ाрдорд╕ुрдЩрдХा рдоोрдмाрдЗрд▓рд╣рд░ु рдХिрди्рджै рд╣ुрдиुрд╣ुрди्рдЫ рднрдиे рд╣ोрд╕िрдпाрд░

School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

Monday, September 12, 2016

рдлिрд▓िрдкिрдиी рдЬोрдпा рдиेрдкाрд▓ рдЕाрдЙрди рдЕाрддुрд░ । рд╣ेрд░्рдиुрд╕् рдиेрдкाрд▓ी рдмुрд╣ाрд░ी рдЬोрдпाрд╕ँрдЧ рдЧрд░िрдПрдХो рддाрдЬा рднिрдбिрдпो рдХुрд░ाрдХाрдиी | Joya

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

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UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.



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