Monday, September 19, 2016

Prachanda cancelled his visit to America

newly-elected Prime Minister of Nepal, Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’, at his official residence in Baluwatar on Monday morning. On the occasion, the diplomat congratulated Dahal on his election as Nepal’s prime minister and wished him a successful tenure.
She also expressed concern about Nepal’s peace process, the new Constitution and the contemporary politics. Prachanda, on his part, thanked the ambassador, the American administration and the people for their ‘positive assistance’, PM’s Secretariat informed.

Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies

Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and offered by mutual fund companies. Choices were limited to term, endowment or whole life policies. It was simple, you paid a high, set premium and the insurance company guaranteed the death benefit. All of that changed in the 1980s. Interest rates soared, and policy owners surrendered their coverage to invest the cash value in higher interest paying non-insurance products. To compete, insurers began offering interest-sensitive non-guaranteed policies.

Guaranteed versus Non-Guaranteed Policies

Today, companies offer a broad range of guaranteed and non-guaranteed life insurance policies. A guaranteed policy is one in which the insurer assumes all the risk and contractually guarantees the death benefit in exchange for a set premium payment. If investments underperform or expenses go up, the insurer has to absorb the loss. With a non-guaranteed policy the owner, in exchange for a lower premium and possibly better return, is assuming much of the investment risk as well as giving the insurer the right to increase policy fees. If things don’t work out as planned, the policy owner has to absorb the cost and pay a higher premium.

मुखमा र जिब्रोमा खटिरा आयो ? यो पढ्नुहोस्…

मुखमा साना बिबिरा, मसिना सेता खालका फोकाफोकी देखिएमा तपाँइलाई निकै सताउँछ होला । मुखभित्र, जिब्रो, गिजा, ओठलगायत मुखको कुनाकानी र कहिलेकाहीँ गालाको छेउसम्म पनि घाउ हुन्छ ।  यस्तो घाउ स–सानो एक वा धेरै मात्रामा आउन सक्छ । त्यस्तै योे समस्या बढेर जटिल भई घाऊ ठूलो र गहिरो भएर खान बोल्नै नहुने किसिमको पनि हुन सक्छ । यसले गर्दा लगातार दुख्ने, पोल्ने,ज्वरो आउने, घाँटीको ग्रन्थि सुन्निने, दुख्ने समस्या पनि निम्तिन सक्छ ।

किन आउँछ मुखमा घाउ–खटिरा ?

खासगरी शरीरमा पोषणको कमी (भिटामिन बी, सी, आइरन, प्रोटिनलगायत भोजनमा रेसादार खानाको कमी आदि) ले मुखमा घाउ हुन्छ । यसरी नै दाँत नमाझ्ने, खाना खाएर कुल्ला नगर्ने जस्ता सरसफाइको कमी, पेटसम्बन्धी रोगहरू (कब्जियत, ग्यास्ट्राइटिस वा अम्लपित्त, अपच आदि), पानीको कमी भएमा पनि मुखभित्र खटिरा आउने गर्छ । त्यस्तै, खाद्य विषाक्तता, सुर्ती–पानमसला, मद्यपान र धूमपान गर्ने, ब्याक्टेरिया तथा फङ्गसको संक्रमण, बढी तातो र मसलाहरू वा बढी अम्ल भएको खानपान गर्दा मुखभित्र र वरपर घाउ आउने गर्छ ।

कसरी समाधान गर्ने ?

— मनतातो पानीमा फिटकिरी मिसाएर दिनमा ३ पटक कुल्ला गर्ने ।

— पानी प्रशस्त पिउने तर बढी चिसो वा तातो नपिउने

— हरियो सागपात तथा फलफूलहरु मजाले चपाएर खाने

— बढी चिल्लो नखाने

— हल्का उम्रेको गेडागुडी बिहान / बिहान खाने

— पानीमा तुलसीको पातको रस राखेर कुल्ला गर्ने

— बदाम भिजाएर खाने

— मह घाउमा लपक्क लगाउने

— निमको पात चपाउने वा निम मिलाइएको मन्जनले दाँत माझ्ने

— जिरा वा खयर चपाउने यसरी पनि निको नभए डाक्टरलाई देखाउने ।

— बारम्बार समस्या भैरहेमा वा बिभिन्न रोगको कारण पनि मुखमा घाउ आउन सक्ने भएकोले चिकित्सक समक्ष जाँच गराउनुपर्छ । तर मुखमा आएको घाउ कस्तो छ, किन आएको हो भन्ने कुरा रोगको इतिहास, व्यक्तिगत बानी व्यवहार, लक्षणका आधारमा विशेषज्ञसँग जाँच गराएर थाहा पाउन सकिन्छ । कतिपय अवस्थामा घाउको मासु वा पीप लगायत रगतको अन्य परीक्षणहरू पनि गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । खासगरी यौनरोग, मुखको क्यान्सर वा कुनै संक्रमणको कारणले भएका घाउहरू जटिल हुन सक्छन् र औषधोपचार पनि आवश्यक हुन सक्छ । यसरी नै कारण अनुरूपको उपचारका लागि चिकित्सकको सल्लाह लिनुपर्छ ।


Transporters agree to begin advance booking of tickets for Dashain from Sept 23

booking for long-route buses for Dashain, beginning on Friday (September 23). The date to open advance bus ticket booking was finalised after a meeting of stakeholders took a decision to this effect today. “Long-route commuters can book their tickets from ticket stations at bus parks and other ticket outlets across Kathmandu Valley,” said Dolnath Khanal, president of the Federation of Nepalese National Transport Entrepreneurs Association. New Bus Park, Kalanki, Koteshwor and Gaushala are the core areas where commuters can book bus tickets, according to FNNTEA.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

कस्ता खालका युवतीहरु छिट्टै यौन सम्बन्ध राख्न तयार हुन्छन् ? यस्तो छ यर्थाथ

प्रायः युवतीहरुमा यौन चाहना भएपनि पुरुषहरु जसरी उनीहरु यौनसम्पर्कका लागि चाडै तयार हुदैनन् । तर नेट चैटिंग पछि भेट्ने हरु भरसक त्यसै दिनमा सेक्स गर्छन । यो अनुपात दैनिक भेट्ने हरुमा धेरै समय लाग्ने गर्छ र सेक्स को लागि त बर्षौ कुर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । हाल सालै एउटा फिटनेस पत्रिका द्वारा गरिएको सर्वे मा विभिन्न सोशल नेटवर्किंग साइट्स बाट चिनजान हुने पाँच महिलाहरुमा चार महिलाहरुले र पाँच पुरुष हरुमा तीन जनाले अनलाइन पार्टनर हरु संग निकै थोरै समयमा सेक्स भएको रिपोर्ट निकालेको थियो ।

बिज्ञहरुका अनुसार यो सर्वेले यी बिज्ञ हरुलाई हैरानीको सट्टा उनीहरुको अनुमानलाई सहि बनाएको छ । बिज्ञ भन्छन मानिसहरु जब भर्चुअल रिलेशनशिपमा हुन्छन उनीहरुको बीचको दुरी असध्य कम हुने गरेको छ र यो दुरी कम हुन अति नै छोटो समय लाग्ने गर्छ । खासगरी दैनिक भेटघाट हुने जोडीमा कतै न कतै अलि लाज रहेकोले सेक्सको बारेमा बात मर्न निकै समय लाग्ने गर्छ ।

यद्यपी यो समस्या अनलाइन जोडीमा हुदैन र निर्धक्क संग सेक्सको बारेमा दिल खोलेर कुरा गर्छन र आफ्नो छेउ छाउमामा पनि कोहि अरु नरेहेको अवस्था हुन्छ र आफु सुरक्षित महसुस गर्छन र धेरै छोटो समयमा नै यी भर्चुअल जोडीमा सेक्सको संबाद ढुक्क संग हुने गरेको छ र दुवै लै लागेको यौन जिज्ञासा मेटाउने गरेका छन् ।

विभिन्न सामाजिक संजालका वेबसाइटहरुले नै सबैलाई नजिक लिएर आउन जति सजिलो बनाएको छ त्यतिनै यस् बाट यौन अपराधका घटना हरु पनि अगाडी आइरहेको छन् यसर्थ सबै भर्चुअल जोडी हरुलाई सावधानीपुर्वक नजिक हुन आवश्यक छ अन्यथा आफु नै यौन पिडित हुन सकिने सम्भावना रहन्छ ।


Jiwan thapa and joya

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‘अलछिना’ भनेर आमाबुबाले छाडेका यी बालक, जसको जीवनकथाले संसारलाई स्तब्ध पारिदियो !

जेन्सी– यी बालकको लागि एक थोपा पानी र कर्ममार्फत यी ममतामयी महिलाले देखाएको महानताको तस्वीर केही समयदेखि सामाजिक सञ्जालमा भाइरल बन्दै आइरहेको छ ।
दयालाग्दो र तिर्खाएको स्थितिमा संसारलाई रुवाउने यी बालक अफ्रिकी मुलुक नाइजेरियाका हुन् । गरिबी र द्धन्द्धमा पिल्सिएको मुलुक नाइजेरियामा रहेका यी बालकका आमाबाबुले गरिबीकै कारण हुनसक्छ, उनलाई हेला गरेर सडकमा छाडिदिए ।

बालकका बाबुआमाले उसलाई परिवारको ‘अलछिना र भुताहा’ भनेर उसलाई हेरबिचार गर्न छाडिदिएपछि उनको सडकमा यो हबिगत भयो । कहिलेकाही सडकमा फालेका अस्वस्थकर खानेकुराले पेट भर्दै सडक पेटीमा कुकुर सरहको जीवन जिइरहेका यिनलाई न त सर्वव्यापी ज्ञान थियो, न त जीवन कसरी जिउने भन्ने परिकल्पना नै थियो ।
सौभाग्यवस, यी बालकको अगाडि एकजना विदेशी महिला देवी बनेर देखा परिन् । उनले पहिलोपटक सडकमा बालकलाई भेट्ने वितिक्कै पानी पिलाइरहेको दृष्य हामी तस्वीरमा देख्न सक्छौ । उनले ती बालकलाई सडकबाट टिपिन् र आफुले हेरचाह गर्न थालिन् । सडकमा बडो दयनीय अवस्थामा भेटेर करिब दुई महिना पालनपोषन गरेपछि बालकको शारीरिक संरचनामा पूरै परिवर्तन आएको छ ।
दुई महिनाअघिको तस्वीर र पछिको तस्वीरलाई पत्याउन गाह्रो पर्छ तर विश्व प्रसिद्ध सञ्चारमाध्याम डेल्ली मेलले यो तथ्यलाई बाहिर ल्याइदिएको छ ।सडक पेटीमा रोएर बसेका यस्ता बालकहरु धेरै छन्, तर तिनको उद्धारमा चासो दिने व्यक्ति र सम्बन्धित संघ–संस्थाहरुले प्रभावकारी ढंगले काम नगर्दा मानवजातिको उज्जल भविश्यको रुपमा रहेका बालबालिकाहरुको यो हविगत देख्नुपरिरहेको छ ।
असाहय दुःख भोगेर जीवन बिताइरहेका ती बालकका अगाडि देवदूतको रुपमा देखा परेकी ती महिलाको बारेमा स्पष्ट पहिचान बाहिर आइनसके पनि यो कारुणिक यथार्थताको तस्वीर र कर्मले संसारका मिडियाहरुको ध्यान तानिरहेको छ । श्रोत – काठमाण्डु टुडेबाट


अर्काको पत्नी सेक्स गर्नेलाई अब…

क्तिको परस्त्रीगमन कस्तो हुन्छ होला ? यस्तो अवस्थामा धर्मले कस्तो दण्ड दिन्छ ? आउनुस् यस विषयमा चर्चा गरौँ । अठ्ठार पुराणको एउटा पुराण छ, गरुड पुराण । गरुड पुराणमा भगवान विष्णुले गरुडलाई जीवन र मृत्युको रहस्यका विषयमा जानकारी दिएका छन् । यो पुराणमा मृत्युपछि हुने भनिएको यात्रा यानी यममार्गका बारेमा वर्णन गरिएको छ । वर्णनमा भनिएको छ, यमको दूतले मृत्युपछि पापी व्यक्तिहरूको आत्मालाई यमराज समक्ष लैजान्छन् । मनुष्यको आफ्नो कर्मअनुसार यमराजले सजाय तोकी दिन्छन् । सजाय पूरा भएपछि जीवले आफ्नो कर्मअनुसार योनीमा जन्म लिन्छ ।
यसमा परस्त्रीसँगको सम्बन्धका विषयमा अलग–अलग सजायका बारेमा बताइएको छ । व्यक्तिले परस्त्रीसँग कस्तो सम्बन्ध राख्छ वा रहन्छ यसमा पनि व्यक्तिलाई सजायको व्यवस्था गरिएको छ । कुमारी अथवा अल्पायु कन्यासँग यौनसम्बन्ध राखेमा गुरुढ पुराणका अनुसार कडा सजायको व्यवस्था रहेको छ । जुन स्त्री आफ्नो पतिलाई छाडेर अर्को पुरूषसँग यौन सम्पर्क गर्छिन् उनलाई यमलोकमा बल्दै गरेको रातो र तातो फलामको भट्टीमा हाल्ने गरिन्छ ।

गरुडा पुराणका अनुसार पापको सजाय पूरा भएपछि यस्ता स्त्रीहरूले चेपारो, छिपकली अथवा दुई मुख भएको सर्पको रुपमा जन्म लने मान्यता रहेको छ । पुरुषका सम्बन्धमा परस्त्री गमनका विषयमा रोचक प्रसङ्ग गुरुड पुराणले उल्लेख गरेको छ । जो पुरूषले आफनै गोत्रकी स्त्रीसँग यौन सम्पर्क गर्छन्, त्यस्ता पुरुषले स्यालको जन्म पाउने विश्वास गरिएको छ । कुमारी अथावा अल्पायु कन्यासँग यौनसम्बन्ध राख्ने पुरुषका सम्बन्धमा गरुडा पुराणले नर्कमा घोर यातना सहनु पर्ने व्यवस्था गरेको उल्लेख गरेको छ । त्यसपछि त्यस्ता पुरुषले अजिङ्गरको योनीमा जन्म लिने बताइन्छ ।

जो व्यक्ति काम भावनाबाट पीडित भएर गुरूकी पत्नीलाई ताक्छन् त्यस्ता पुरुषले नर्कको बास र यातनासहित छिप्कलीको योनीमा जन्म लिने गरुड पुराणले जनाएको छ । मित्रसँग विश्वासघात गरेर उसकी पत्नीसँग यौनसम्बन्ध राख्नेलाई कठोर सजायपछि यमराजले गधाको योनीमा बास गराइ गधाको जन्म दिने विश्वाससहितका रोचक प्रसङ्ग गुरुड पुराणमा उल्लेख छ । न्यूजअभियान


UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

School of New South Wales Australia

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

School of New South Wales Australia

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

New Nepali Dashain Song 2073/2016 By Jyoty Magar

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

PM Prachanda's Wife Undisciplined Manner While Visit To India

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

सर्वोच्चले लोकमानलाई समातेपछि लडाकुको नाममा प्रचण्डको सत्ता धरापमाः यस्तो छ रहस्य

शुक्रबार अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोगका प्रमुख लोमानसिंह कार्की नियुक्तिको कागज सम्बन्धी जवाफ त्तिच नबुझेपछि एक हप्ताभित्र चित्त बुझ्दो जवाफ दिन सर्वोच्चले सरकारलाई आदेश दिए लगत्तै अख्तियारले पूर्व माओवादी लडाकुका शिविरमा भएको भ्रष्टाचारको फाइल खोलेको छ ।

सर्वोच्चबाट जब लोकमानको सक्कल कागज झिकाउन सरकारलाई पुनःअदेश भयो तब अख्तियारले माओवादी पूर्वलडाकु शिविरमा भएको भ्रष्टाचारको फायल खोल्ने निर्णय गरेको हो । यो कदमले अख्तियारमाथि ठूलो प्रश्न उठेको छ । अख्तियारको नेतृत्वलाई बचाउन पटकपटक माओवादी नेतृत्वलाई हार गुहार गरेपनि माओवादी ले वेवास्था गरेको आरोप लोकमानको छ ।

सर्वोच्च आफूमाथि कडा रुपमा प्रस्तुत भएपछि माओवादीको समर्थनमा अख्तियार प्रमुख भएका लोमानले प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई नै सर्वोच्चको फैसला रोक्न दबाब दिने गरी लडाकु शिविरको कागज खोलेको अख्तियारको गोप्य स्रोतले जानकारी दिएको छ । लोकमान शिविरको कागज अनुसन्धान अगाडि बढाउने भन्दा पनि सर्वोच्चमा परेको आफ्नो मुद्धा किनारा लगाउने सूत्र खोजिरहेका छन् । त्यही सूत्र मध्ये एकपूर्वलडाकु भएको लोकमानको लम्याई छ ।

आफू विरुद्ध सर्वोच्चको फैसला आए लगत्तै माओवादी पूर्वलडाकुको भ्रष्टाचार मुद्धा खोलेको विषयले अहिले चर्चा पाएको छ । पूर्वलडाकु भित्रको भ्रष्टाचार मुद्धामा प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहाल ‘प्रचण्ड’, तत्कालिन जनसेना प्रमुख एवम् उपराष्ट्रपति नन्दबहादुर पुनसँगै माओवादीका उच्च नेताको पनि मुछिएको थियो । माओवादी नेतृत्वले आफू विरुद्ध सर्वोच्चमा चलेको मुद्धा रोक्न नसकेर आफ्नो पदीय पर्यादा र नैतिकतामाथि नै प्रश्न उठ्दा समेत कुनै कदम नचालेको प्रति लोकमान रुष्ट छन् ।

अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोगले तत्कालीन नेकपा (माओवादी) लडाकुको शिविरमा सरकारले भरणपोषणका लागि दिएको रकममा भएको अनियमितताबारे छानविन निष्कर्षमा पुग्न थालेको जानकारी हिजो साँझ ढिलो गरी गराएको हो ।

शुक्रबार साँझ गरेको पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा आयोगका प्रवक्ता गणेशराज कार्कीले शिविरमा भएको भ्रष्टाचारको सम्बन्धमा परेको उजुरीका बारेमा तदारुकताका साथ अनुसन्धान भइरहेको बताएका छन् । यद्यपी त्यो विषयमा अहिले कुनै अनुसन्धान भएको छैन । अख्तियारले पुरानै अनुसन्धानका फायल झिक्ने निर्णय मात्र सार्वजनिक भएको छ ।

‘त्यतिखेर निर्णय प्रक्रियामा सहभागी हुनुभएका महत्वपूर्ण पदाधिकारीहरुलाई अनुसन्धानको दायरामा ल्याएका छौँ । ३० दिनभित्र उहाँहरुलाई जवाफका लागि आमन्त्रण गरेका छौँ, प्रवक्ताले भने ।

अनियमितताको सम्बन्धमा यसबीचमा समेत बुझ्ने काम भएको तथा आयोगसँग महत्वपूर्ण कागजात रहेको उनको भनाइ छ । पत्रकारले ति आरोपी पदाधिकारी को हुन भनेर सोधेको प्रश्नमा प्रवक्ता कार्कीले आलटाल वपाm दिदै भने, ‘तपाईहरुले बुझ्नुभएकै छ, बुझ्नुहोस न ।’
राज्यको जुनसुकै पदमा भएपनि उनीहरु दोषी ठहरिए उन्मुक्ति नदिईने उनको भनाई छ ।
उनले भने, लडाकु संख्या र निकासा भएको रकममा तालमेल मिलेको छैन, ठुलो परिणाममा आर्थिक घोटाला भएको छ । प्रारम्भिक अनुसन्धानले यो गम्भीर प्रकारको छ भन्ने देखाउँछ ।

यसैगरी आयोगले नेपालको राजनीतिक, आर्थिक र सामाजिक क्षेत्रमा अल्पकालिन, दिर्घकालिन निर्णय प्रक्रियामा सहभागी हुने, राज्यलाई असर पार्न सक्ने निर्णय गर्नेहरुलाई समेत अनुसन्धान सुरु गरेको जानकारी दिएको छ ।


Jiban Thapa Go To The Philippines

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

साउदी अरब बाट दाइले मलेसियामा भएका भाइ लाइ फोन गरि भने भाइ घर व्यवहार हेर्नु म अब बाच्दीन होला घरको ख्याल गर्नु

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

School of New South Wales Australia

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

नेपाल गरिब हुनै सक्दैनः प्रधानमन्त्री दाहाल

प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहालले शान्ति सम्झौताका प्राकृतिक साझेदारसँग एकतासहित बनेको सरकारले नेपालमा लगानीका वातावरण उपयुक्त बन्दै गएको बताएका छन्।

नेपालमा लगानी गरेका भारतीय उद्योगी एवम् व्यापारी समुदायले आज बिहान आयोजना गरेको कार्यक्रमलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै उनले लगानीको वातावरण बन्दै गएकाले विदेशी लगानीकर्ताको मागअनुसार नेपालमा सबै संरचना तयार भएको बताए।

प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालले सरकारले लगानी एवम् राजनीतिक स्थायित्वका लागि स्पष्ट नीति लिएको उल्लेख गर्दै सम्भावनाका नयाँ अध्याय सुरु भएकाले विश्वस्त हुन उद्योगी व्यापारीलाई आग्रह गरे।

उनले कृषिमा आधारित क्षेत्रमा लगानी विस्तार गर्नुपर्नेमा जोड दिँदै त्यसका लागि नेपाल सरकारले सक्दो सहयोग गर्ने धारणा राखे।

“विगतमा भएका अप्ठ्यारा सङ्लदै गएको छ, अब शङ्का गर्नुपर्ने कारण छैन” प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालले भने, “भारत र चीन जस्ता विश्वका उदीयमान शक्ति र ठूलो अर्थतन्त्र भएका मुलुकको बीचमा रहेको नेपाल गरिब हुनै सक्दैन, अब समृद्धिको ढोका खुलेको छ । ”

भारतका व्यापारीले नेपालमा पछिल्लो समय लगानीका लागि उपयुक्त समय आएको महसुस गरेको बताउँदै त्यसलाई अझै विश्वासमा परिणत गर्नुपर्नेमा उनले जोड दिए ।रासस


अख्तियारले थाल्यो लडाकु छानबिन, माओवादीका को को नेता पर्लान भ्रष्टाचार प्रकरणमा

काठमाडौ । अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोगले तत्कालीन माओवादी सेनाका लडाकुको शिविर व्यवस्थापन तथा लडाकुको भरणपोषणमा भएको भ्रष्टाचारको छानबिन तीव्र पारेको छ । अख्तियारले उक्त भ्रष्टाचारमा मुछिएका माओवादी केन्द्रका नेताहरूलाई ३० दिनभित्र बयानका लागि बोलाइएको जानकारी दिएको छ ।

अख्तियार प्रमुख लोकमानसिंह कार्की नियुक्तिबारे पुरानो फैसला पुनरावलोकन गर्ने सर्वोच्चको निर्णय आएको केही घन्टामै शुक्रबार साँझ आयोगले पत्रकार सम्मेलन गरी माओवादी सेनाका शिविरको छानबिन तीव्र पारिएको जानकारी दिएको हो । ‘माओवादी शिविरमा भरणपोषण र अन्य नाममा गएको रकमबारेको छानबिन तदारुकतासाथ अघि बढाएका छौं, आयोग प्रवक्ता गणेशराज कार्कीले भने, ‘यस विषयमा अब हामी छिटो निष्कर्षमा पुग्दैछौं।

शिविर छानबिनमा मुछिएका माओवादी नेताहरूलाई ३० दिनभित्र आयोगमा आई बयान दिन भनिएको कार्कीले बताए । ‘महत्वपूर्ण पदाधिकारीलाई अनुसन्धानका लागि ३० दिनभित्र आइदिन आमन्त्रण गरेका छौं,ु कार्कीले भने, ‘राज्यका जो जुन पदमा बसे पनि दोषी छ भने उन्मुक्ति पाइँदैन ।ु प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहाल, उपप्रधानमन्त्री कृष्णबहादुर महरालगायत माओवादीका उच्च नेताहरू शिविर भ्रष्टाचार प्रकरणमा जोडिए पनि अख्तियारले भने कुनकुन नेतालाई बयानका लागि बोलाइएको हो भन्ने विषयमा बताएन ।

माओवादी शान्ति प्रक्रियामा आएपछि उसका लडाकुलाई सात मुख्य र अन्य शिविरमा राखिएको थियो । प्रधानमन्त्री तथा माओवादी केन्द्रका अध्यक्ष दाहाल त्यतिखेर लडाकुको सुप्रिम कमान्डर थिए भने नन्दकिशोर पुन, वर्षमान पुन, जनार्दन शर्मा र बलदेव शर्मा डिभिजन कमान्डर थिए ।
उपप्रधान तथा अर्थमन्त्री एवं एमाओवादी नेता महराले त्यतिखेर सरकारबाट बुझेको रकम फस्र्योट हुन सकेको थिएन । ‘यो मुद्दा गम्भीर प्रकृतिको छ भन्ने त प्रारम्भिक अनुसन्धानमा देखिइसकियो,अख्तियारका एक उच्च अधिकारीले भने, ‘लडाकुको संख्या र निकासा रकममा तालमेल मिलेको छैन ।

शिविर व्यवस्थापन र लडाकुको भरणपोषणमा चार अर्बभन्दा बढी भ्रष्टाचार भएको भन्दै २०६९ सालमा एमाले निकट युवा संघलगायतले अख्तियारमा उजुरी दिएका थिए । एमाओवादीबाट अलग भएको वैद्य माओवादी र बहिर्गमनमा परेका लडाकुले पनि करोडौं भ्रष्टाचार भएको भन्दै छानबिन हुनुपर्ने माग गर्दै आएका छन् ।

अख्तियारले अकुत सम्पत्ति छानबिन प्रक्रिया अन्तिम चरणमा पुगेको भन्दै त्यसको पनि नतिजा आउन लागेको जनाएको छ । ‘आर्थिक, सामाजिक, राजनीतिक क्षेत्रमा दुरगामी असर पर्ने गरी आयोगले छानबिन अघि बढाएको छ,ु प्रवक्ता कार्कीले भने, ‘केही दिनमै यसको पनि नतिजा आउँछ ।ु अख्तियारले राजनीतिक दलका नेतालगायत विभिन्न क्षेत्रका व्यक्तिहरूको सम्पत्तिको छानबिन गरिरहेको छ ।

Nepal-India 3 point agreement, what did say Modi about Nepal constitution ?

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Nepali Lady Work in international Airport, Doha

reasons the understudies proceeded onward from UNSW are incredibly asked for all around the world.
UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.
The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities


reasons the understudies proceeded onward from UNSW are incredibly asked for all around the world.
UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.
The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities

मलेसिया जाने कामदारमाथि चरम आर्थिक शोषण गर्ने ३९ म्यानपावर संस्था तत्काल बन्द गर्न माग

काठमाडौँ, २८ भदौ । नेपाल वैदेशिक रोजगार व्यवसायी सङ्घले मलेसियामा रोजगारीका लागि जाने कामदारसँग विभिन्न नाममा बढी रकम उठाउने कार्य भइरहेको भन्दै सो कार्य रोक्न माग गरेको छ ।

सङ्घका अध्यक्ष विमल ढाकालले आज विज्ञप्ति जारी गर्दै बायोमेट्रिक, माइग्राम, भिएलएन, ओएससीलगायतका नाममा कामदारमाथि वार्षिक करिब  एक अर्ब ३९ करोड थप आर्थिक व्ययभार पारिएको जनाउँदै तत्काल यस्ता ३९ संस्था बन्द गरिनुपर्ने सङ्घले माग गरेको छ ।

छ महिनाका लागि परीक्षणको रुपमा लागू गरिएको बायोमेट्रिक प्रणाली अवधि सकिएको आठ महिना नाघिसक्दा समेत अवैधानिक तरिकाले ३९ वटा संस्थाले कामदारको स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण कार्य जारी राखेको भन्दै तत्काल सो कार्य रोक्न सङ्घले माग जनाएको छ ।

यसअघि नेपाल सरकारले निर्धारण गरेको  दुई हजार ६२५ प्रति कामदार स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण शुल्क मात्र लिन पाउने व्यवस्था रहेकोमा बायोमेट्रिक लागू भएपछि रु चार हजार ५०० कामदारबाट लिन थालिएको र अवैधानिक तरिकाले स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण गरी वार्षिक करिब रु ४५ करोड ठगी गरिरहेको सङ्घले जनाएको छ ।

बायोमेट्रिक मेडिकलकै नाममा मलेसियास्थित मे बैंकमा प्रति कामदार  तीन हजार २०० जम्मा गराई वार्षिक थप ३२ करोड ठगी गरिरहेको हुँदा तत्काल बायोमेट्रिक मेडिकल गर्ने संस्था बन्द गरिनुपर्ने सङ्घले माग गरेको छ ।

मलेसिया जाने कामदारले प्रवेशाज्ञा शुल्कबापत  ७०० मात्रै लाग्ने गरेकामा भिएलएन नेपाल नामक संस्थाले प्रवेशाज्ञा प्रक्रियाको नाममा थप  तीन हजार २०० लिई वार्षिक करिब  ३२ करोड ठगी गरिरहेको हुँदा तत्काल भिएलएन नेपाल संस्था बन्द गरिनुपर्ने विज्ञप्तिमा उल्लेख छ ।

हालै वान स्टेप सेन्टर (ओएससी) नामक संस्थाले लाजिम्पाटमा कार्यालय स्थापना गरी राहदानी सङ्कलनबापत प्रति कामदार  तीन हजार २०० लिई वार्षिक करिब  ३० करोड ठगी गर्न लागिएको सङ्घले जनाएको छ ।

tinau jholunge pool

reasons the understudies proceeded onward from UNSW are incredibly asked for all around the world.
UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.
The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities

कलाकार हुनुअघि माग्नेबुढा टेम्पो चलाउँथे !! माग्ने बुढाको जीवनका १६ रहस्यहरु (भिडियो

reasons the understudies proceeded onward from UNSW are incredibly asked for all around the world.
UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.
The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities

School of New South Wales Australia

reasons the understudies proceeded onward from UNSW are incredibly asked for all around the world.
UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.

School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.
The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities

School of New South Wales Australia

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

186 snakes found in a house in Uttar Pradesh

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

केपी ओलीले भने छक्का पञ्जा नराम्रो

निकै चर्चा र लोकप्रीयता कमाईरहेको चलचित्र ६क्का पञ्जा तीन पूर्व प्रधानमन्त्रीले एकैसाथ हेरेका छन् । नेकपा एमालेको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्दै प्रधानमन्त्री बनेका केपी शर्मा, झलनाथ खनाल र माधव कुमार नेपालले एकैसाथ ६क्का पञ्जा हेरेका हुन् । चलचित्र हेरिसकेपछि प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीले फिल्म राम्रो तर ६क्का पञ्जा नराम्रो भन्दै ठट्यौली प्रतिक्रिया दिएका छन् । मुन्द्रे, माग्ने, दिपक दिपा भएको फिल्मले नहँसाउने त कुरै भएन, पूर्व प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीले भने नाम ६क्का पञ्जा भए पनि फिल्ममा संदेश र मनोरञ्जनको गतिलो संयोजन रहेको भन्दै प्रशंसा गरेका छन् । हेर्नुहोस् भिडियो । उनले यसो भन्दा हाँसो गुन्जीएको थियो ।
यस्तै, चलचित्रबारे प्रतिक्रिया दिँदै पूर्व प्रधानमन्त्री झलनाथ खनालले फिल्मले संवाद नै पिच्छे हँसाएको प्रतिक्रिया दिएका छन् । उनले भने राम्रैसँग हाँसीयो तर वैदेशीक रोजगारीले ल्याएको सामाजिक समस्यालाई फिल्ममा हेर्दा विक्षिप्त हुन पनि बाध्य गरायो । अर्का पूर्व प्रधानमन्त्री माधव कुमार नेपालले पनि फिल्मको प्रशंसा गरेका छन् । एमाले केन्द्रिय कमिटिका करिब एक दर्जन नेता ६क्का पञ्जा हेर्न एकसाथ सिटी सेन्टर पुगेका थिए ।
यस्तै, हाँस्य कलाकारद्धय मदनकृष्ण श्रेष्ठ र हरिवंश आचार्यले पनि पूर्व प्रधानमन्त्रीहरुसँगै बसेर ६क्का पञ्जा हेरेका छन् । आफ्नो पथमा रहेका हाँस्य कलाकारले निर्माण गरेका चलचित्रले दर्शकको मन जित्दा आफुलाई निकै खुशि लागेका उनीहरुले बताएका छन् ।

यी हुन् श्रीमतीको हत्या गरेर रातभर शवसँग सेक्स गर्ने क्रुर हत्यारा

मायाप्रेम, विहे र यौनसम्बन्धका कारणले कस्ता कस्ता घटना निम्तन्छन् । मानिसहरु कतिसम्म घिनलाग्दो क्रियाकलाप गर्न सक्छन यसको कुनै अन्दाजा नै लगाउन सकिन्न । भारतमा यस्तै एउटा घिनलाग्दो र पत्यार नै गर्न नसकिने अनौठो घटना सार्वजनिक भएको छ ।
घटना भारतको राजधानी नयाँदिल्लीस्थित निहाल विहारको हो । जहाँ एक पुरुषले मदिराको नशामा पत्नीको हत्या गरेर एउटा घिनलाग्दो कर्तुत गरेका छन् जसले प्रहरीको समेत होस उडेको छ । अवैध सम्बन्धको चक्करमा पहिला महिलाको हत्या गरे । त्यसपछि पनि उनको यौन तृष्णा नमेटिएपछि पत्नीको शवसँग रातभरी सेक्स गरिरहे ।

यसरी बनेको थियो उनीहरुको सम्वन्ध
दिल्लीको बककरवला बस्ने २१ वर्षीय मोनिकाको यूपी बुलन्दशहरका २५ वर्षीय प्रदीपसँग प्रेम बस्यो । दुबैबीच ६ महिनासँग माया प्रेमको सम्बन्ध चल्यो । त्यसपछि परिवारको सहमतिमा उत्तर प्रदेशको गंगा घाटमा दुबै सात फेरा लगाएर विहे गरे ।
विवाह पछिको सम्वन्ध टिकेन.  घट्यो यस्तो घटना :
उनीहरु बिचको सम्बन्ध धेरै लामोसमय सम्म टिक्न सकेन् । पति प्रदीपले मदिराको नशामा पत्नीलाई पर्खाल ढोक्काएर हत्या गरे ।उनी रगतले लतपतिएर वेहोस हुँदै जमिनमा खसिन् । प्रदीपले रगतले भरिएको उनको अनुहार पानीले धोए । त्यसपछि उनलाई विस्तरामा लगेर गए । र शवसँग लगातार सेक्स गरेर यौन तृष्णा मेटाउन थाले । उनी रातभर पत्नीसँग सुतेका पनि थिए । विहान निद्रा खुल्दा शवलाई कोठामै छाडेर फरार भए ।
यस्तो छ घटनाको मुख्य कारण:
प्राप्त जानकारी अनुसार विहेपछि केही दिन त प्रदीपले मोनिकालाई गाउँमै राखे । तर, मनले नमानेपछि पत्नीलाई दिल्ली लगे । दिल्लीको निहाल विहारमा भाडाको डेरामा बस्न थाले । साथै सानो तिनो काम गर्न थाले । तर, मोनिका खुला (स्वतन्त्र) स्वभावकी थिइन् । जसले प्रदीपको मनमा शंका बढ्यो कि उनकी पत्नीको दोस्ती अरु युवकहरुसँग भइरहेछ ।

फेरि यो कुरालाई लिएर प्रदीप र मोनिकाबीच दिनदिनै झगडा हुन थाल्यो । दुबैको झगडाले उनका आसपासका छिमेकी पनि हैरान हुन थाले । तर, छिमेकीहरुलाई के थाहा कि प्रदीप यस्तो घिनलग्दो कर्तुत गर्नसक्छन् रु घटना भएको राति प्रदीपले आफू पनि रक्सी पिए र पत्नीलाई पनि पिलाए । फेरि दुबैबीच झगडा सुरु भयो । डेरामा बस्ने अन्य छिमेकीहरुले घरबेटी बेलाएर झगडा शान्त गराए । तर, सबै जना गइसकेपछि श्रीमतीको टाउको कोठाको भित्तामा ठोकेर हत्या गरे ।
प्रहरी भन्छ– अभियुक्त पति प्रदीपले घटना स्वीकार गरेका छन् । मोनिकाको पोस्टमार्टमको रिपोर्टले शवसँग सेक्स गरेको खुलासा गरेको हो । पक्राउ परेका प्रदीपमाथि थप अनुसन्धान जारी छ ।

Cabin Pressure: Former Air Hostess Can Control The Size Of Her 32K Breasts

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

School of New South Wales Australia

School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

Rani Pokhari reconstruction to resume this week

School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

छक्का पन्जा’ हेर्न ओली, खनाल र नेपाल हलमा !

School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

साबधान !! सामसुङका मोबाइलहरु किन्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने होसियार

School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

Monday, September 12, 2016

फिलिपिनी जोया नेपाल अाउन अातुर । हेर्नुस् नेपाली बुहारी जोयासँग गरिएको ताजा भिडियो कुराकानी | Joya

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.

New Nepali Short Movie | Latest Nepali Short Film

UNSW is considered as a primary school in learning and demonstrating and is a top school on the planet. It falls under the primary 50 schools all around the world and fall under fundamental 10 universities in Australia. This school is the first school on the planet to perform the "QS 5 star notwithstanding" distinguishing proof for its academic brilliance.
School of New South Wales give a broad mixture of guideline close by its phenomenal quality. the school has strong backing in regional and overall issues which makes it possible to give quality preparing. Environment in this school updates understudies in developing new headways, consider and do research. The other extra curricular activities in this school allows the understudies to appreciate a relief from the studies and unite with into a couple recreations and activities they are excited about. The school furthermore makes social venture and festivities where the understudies can have a decent time and have a discriminating time in the school.
The adage of this University is "Scientia Manu et Mente" hugeness " adapting by hand and mind". This witticism unmistakably suggests that the new improvements and signs are progressed through shrewd and the point of confinement of the mind to appreciate things and have learning of utilizing it. This data can be deciphered among the people through the deed of ones hand as like composing and clearing up their theories.
The University of New South wales consolidates concedes on post graduate and school classes, schlorships on group tasks and even the gift in post graduate investigation fields.

The best point of preference of finishing is that it reduces the budgetary weight and with the clearing of this weight you and take interest in more broad domains of the school. You can tune in diversions, music and other recreational activities.



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